I really want to play classic but... ( repost )

I am sure there are plenty of people in the same situation as myself. I really want to play classic ( Not Som ) but every server is completely dead. I know some servers have merged with others but that is not enough. There is no need for all these servers. Also that ridiculous cloning fee needs to go. I am hoping on april 19th they drop some good news. If they could change a few things I think classic would be popping again.
1: Get rid of cloning fee
2: Have one server each for pvp,pve and rp ppl.
3: Have a free one time transfer for all toons to select what type of server they want.
4: Make world buff quest repeatable
Some people might have to change there name but i rather that than have all these dead servers.



Also, there’s no need to put down play styles you don’t enjoy.


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You know what else is weird to you?

The actual meaning of the words you type.


be careful, I literally got banned for 3 months for calling someone a weirdo. I wish I was kidding.

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Just ignore him, he has nothing better to do irl so he’s on here all day every day trying to troll


These past two years have demonstrated that transfers have failed Classic. They have been the single most destructive influence on realm communities. Players need to stop giving Blizzard the easy way out on managing their games’ populations by asking for transfers and instead demand the company take a more active role in addressing the issues.


Well what would you suggest i am all ears. I really just want to see people in major cities . Just some kind of population . It is depressing the way it is now.

I edited the post ty. i am a old dinosaur so it is hard for me to be super friendly

I will do that from now on :slight_smile:

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I think the most beneficial intervention Blizzard could take right now for the Classic Era community is one that they have already demonstrated the capacity for doing in the past: realm connections. The east and west coast servers have already been clustered with their same-region counterparts, why not take it a step further and connect coast to coast? The only noteworthy issue I can see would be picking a single timezone for the “Server Time” clock but even this is a minor adjustment that I’m confident the Era players would be content with making.


Why you still remain subbed after that idk

I’m almost certainly older than you and I don’t wander around yelling at kids to stop being weird because I’m confused by their newfangled ways.


Thanks Dad.
I’ll take my World’s Greatest Daughter trophy now.


Shoot me your address and I’ll send you one as soon as I find my Sharpie.


im gonna be 39 in a few weeks . How old are you?

I have a jockstrap older than you.


The 55+ club says hi.

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I’d be all in on a fresh classic with no changes. Same as they launched in 2019.

1 PvE
1 PvP


Ok do me a favor please just ignore any post i write. Just don’t respond, don’t read it and just ignore it. Don’t even respond to this. I won’t ever respond to anything you ever write again.


Sorry, no can do.

Would a hug help, friend?

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No. The real problem is this belief in server “communities”

Someone says the word and blames everything wrong with the game on how great the old game was becaue of the “communities” then it gets repeated like liberal news channels repeating a catch phrase of the day.

There should be one server with layered zones. I dont need to see that one guy that hangs out on the bridge in IF every day to enjoy the game. I do need to have other people playing the damn game though.

Ppl need to stop thinking they know everything. Just because something changed doesnt mean it is the reason that the game got worse. One example, before classic launched, everyone said lfd and dual spec are reasons people stopped playing wow after 10 years. Then in tbc classic the servers were full and people were begging for lfd tool and dual spec. Blizz listend to the people that said it would ruin the game. Guess what. Tbc classic is a ghost town now because they didnt listen.

Why doesnt anyone ever say that subs started dropping because they stopped allowing people to make twinks? And yes by not allowing them to join normal bgs is the same thing. Nobody says that though. They just assume server transfers being allowed killed subs, or paid mounts or transmog. Anything they were told by a disgruntled streamer must be the reason why.

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