I really really really really really really really HATE Anduin

eh, i think it’s a fine amount. didn’t spend any money, didn’t break any laws, any jaws

its wow forums, nothing is too serious

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anduin has been… let’s just face it, crap in pretty much every expansion. although! in this one? he’s been kinda ok. he’s a lot more interesting and tough since he’s been pretending to be an adventurer.

seriously, back in MoP he was just some scrawny kid excited by the pandaren culture.
legion he was just a crybaby (though i’ll give him a little slack, his dad did just die back then), bfa he was a wet-blanket, and shadowlands he was a damsel- (wait, have to google the correct term) -er… Gallant in distress… he’s overall just been a a pain.

but! he’s more interesting now that he’s actually fighting the nerubians. like, before he was soft ‘n’ weak, now… he’s still soft ‘n’ weak, but not as much.

His whole “oh no the light abandoned me and I feel guilty for being mind controlled!!” Crutch is getting old pretty quickly.

Yeah we know the light doesn’t work for you, yes you did some bad things WHILE MIND CONTROLLED, why do you even feel guilty?

Imo the problem is they haven’t done anything with it. He’s just been crying and sulking for 2 expansion. Either get up and do something about it or shut up. The whining is very unbecoming of a king

The most fun you can have without paying for it…

Wait…guess we are both subbed if we’re able to argue with each other.

It’s because men are taught by the patriarchy that they should view all relationships as transactional, it’s the same reason they’re told to offer nothing else in a relationship but being a “provider” at the expense of their own happiness and feelings. So they are taught that having emotions and being vulnerable with someone about them and not getting anything in return is a bad, unmanly thing. Instead of just like, it being a normal human form of connection. And if they’re looking for that genuine human connection? Well just make more money and be a better “provider”, don’t be vulnerable about your normal human emotions because that’s how people take advantage of you and and that is an unfair transaction. You know, because relationships are business deals or something?

It’s very sad and the only way it gets fixed is if more men have good male role models in their lives who show them what healthy masculinity and relationships look like, and not to be ashamed of having emotions that all human beings have.


this is the other funny part of anduin’s story to me. i get mind-controlled in raids as a matter of course. never really imagined my characters were supposed to be lastingly damaged abt the fact that i nuked one of my teammates during a boss fight

playing with fire here. someone’s gonna cope, mald, seethe, rage, etc… taking bets on which?


i feel like this might be the intent of Anduin’s character

i also feel that the writers might in fact be 30somethings or 40somethings raised by boomer parents trying to tell their stories through their work


i could talk about how anduin is a feminist and really topple this thread.


i’ll send you KFC if you do

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This only works if you think it pays off to be this way. Which it does. For 1% of the people who are this way.

But I also just overlay “patriarchy” with “human nature” most of the time and it certainly isn’t the only way to be successful in modern society. There is a lot of overlap when you actually look at the venn diagram.

We also don’t need to be billionaires to be successful.

:rofl: excellent take, probably too good for the wow forums tho

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I got that vibe as well, especially because Chris Metzen has in the past talked about his struggles with anger issues and therapy/his wife helping him to come to a healthier place with his emotions.


wow, imagine, a video game developer discussing therapy and a healthy relationship with his wife. what sick person would play a game written by such a milksop? disgusting

a whole bunch of us are repressed because of our macho dads lmao

funny thing is i know how to fix way more things around the house than my dad ever did


To be fair our characters also haven’t, until recently, been real.

Its always a group of unnamed heroes who kill the raid bosses etc.

Realistically if you did accidentally kill your friend id imagine it would weigh heavily on you. Atleast id be devastated.

Also our heroes do come back so its not a permanent death like what happened to anduin.

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although i do have youtube, so that’s an unfair advantage

Men should strive to be strong. Having very strong characters is good, but becoming strong is often a rollercoaster, a battle. Males don’t just turn into men, they become men after many trials, and a lot of trial and error. Which often is an inner battle. Jeez I have an inner battle very time I exercise, or want a peace of cake.

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this entire thread makes me think of the “trad wife” stuff that’s posted on other social media. how men are sending women unsolicited messages essentially asking them to be housewives. but then seethe with rage over what a “gold digger” the woman is for asking for his financial info. if you’re working at walmart and yall have 3 kids… she’s not staying at home. not in this economy. lol.


Even before the. We should have been able to let twilight assasins have fun with him in cata.

I really would like for them to rough him up just a bit as you do the SW quests to start out the journey to twilight highlands.

Why is my boy in the hospital champion!?

Well king dude, I see the future. I just gave him one more reason to be emo one day. all part of the Jailor’s plan, just doing my part.

PS…your girl jaina has a super ship. One day when you storm the beaches of broken isles…have her bring it. trust me on this.

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