I really miss old ret

It seems like every time they rework this spec, they dumb it down more and more. Won’t be too long before even 3-button specs like frost dk have more complexity, and it just doesn’t feel very fun to play anymore on a rotational level.


Sucks for you, I love ret more than before. It is vastly more fun than the seals. Also Templar is so fun to play, even though it isn’t the best, but keeping up shake the heavens buff is interesting to me.


You think you do…but you don’t.

Templar is more fun than spreading dawnlight everywhere, but even simple things like removing self-cast consecration entirely from ret feel bad in pvp specifically when it could be used to remove snares.

Things like hand of hindrance could feel bad when dispeled, but it was at least another tool that could compliment the lesser slow they added to judgment.

I’ll see how the rework feels, though

I feel like it’s a problem that is separate than the capacity to auto-cast Consec.

Basically, this is only an issue because a pre-existing PVP talent was using consec to do something that probably should have been a part of the kit as a separate ability to begin with.

It only bastardized a spell which had otherwise close to no real purpose outside of being a low priority filler or a way to annoy stealth classes.

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I can agree with you on this one

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Templar is more fun than R Kelly spec but the numbers just aren’t there, no matter what the sims say.

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Templar machine broke

Please spread yellow jelly on everything that somehow does more damage than your entire base kit

Herald is just so boring to me. I like the animation of dawn light and enternal flame but it is just so boring to play.