I really hope they don't screw up Arms Mastery again

I mean, as a warrior we have literally 0 answers since our only hope is pop our DBTS and hope we can reflect a HOJ so it’s not instantly invalidated. But can we get off the example of ret burst and back more on top with making Arms Mastery not feel so trash?

Again, it accounts for such huge portions of damage but that feels so BAD. Like why is a majority of our damage numbers coming from a bleed effect we don’t even pay much attention to since it isn’t something we can really game effectively?

Yeah man… I mean, what is stormbolt, fear, disarm… what is my other 2 teammates doing.

If only we had an answer.

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To bubble wings? Yeah gotta wait for next expac to get our toolkits back.

W-A-S-D, there’s four right there


Move forward, turn/strafe left, move backward, turn/strafe right.

You have moved far, yet gone nowhere.

Used in a variety of combinations, they allow you to go literally anywhere.

Also, in spite of being a deliberately obtuse and literal interpretation, that precise pattern could work against a like-witted paladin.


Again can we get off the thread derail about ret paladins and go back to ‘Please don’t let Deep Wounds be our mastery again’

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You forgot Heroic Leap back to your pillar, and if he chases he’s a dead paladin. Lol


If a ret is using bubble to use wings then 1.) this is very low mmr and 2.) you should never lose then


This is a very scary combo to a low skill player. To the entire rest of the population we see that and go “well so much for your cd’s, I’ll see ya in 20”

I mean, if you’re not paying some attention to it sounds like you’re probably doing it wrong. Keeping it at 100% uptime without wasting any sounds like gaming effectively.


Arms is the worst designed Dps currently because it’s so far from it’s core. Deep wounds should be their 5th or 6th dmg ability. It should slightly pad the meters.

Arms should be big huge damage hard hitting abilities. Warriors have fallen so far and hope they change them from only being a bleed spec.


Hi. You’re obviously new, so here’s a history lesson for you.

Deep Wounds used to be down there on the damage breakdown …and it made Mastery a complete trash stat. Not just the lowest, but so low it made gear with it worthless. Players complained, and the Devs responded by buffing Deep Wounds by a huge amount. Now Mastery is a good stat for Arms, though not the best. And there was (at least then) much rejoicing.

Game design is about goals and priorities. One high priority goal with Deep Wounds tuning is certainly for Mastery to be in roughly the same value range as the other secondary stats for Arms. Another would be to strike a balance between reliable performance and skill responsive performance. Rather lower on the list is how players feel when they look at a damage breakdown after a fight is over. It’s still on there, but is it as high a priority? Absolutely not.


I really don’t have a problem with Arms Mastery at all. The bigger problem to me is how talents and azerite scale insanely with haste late expac, or have this expac. I don’t want to run 50% haste and spam buttons like crazy.

I like the animation for Whirlwind but I want it to feel meaningful to cast and not end up as a ballerina as I spam it.

Anger Management will seemingly dictate this situation. As soon as secondaries reach certain values Anger Management will pull ahead and stay ahead the rest of the expac.

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Don’t mind Abomb. He’s full of terrible ideas. You should see some of his gems on the arena forum.

He doesn’t even play warrior anymore, he plays prot paladin because “prot warrior sucks in arena”


To make it hit like a wet noodle then put all Arms damage into direct attacks. Mastery should affect Mortal strike.

Arms isn’t going to be designed well until they change mastery and go back to hard hitting abilities. Arms is a better bleed spec than Feral and it’s gross.

Seriously make Deep Wounds be the 5th or 6th dmg like it should be and fix Mastery to Mortal Strike. I would even retune haste as well to not help Deep wounds. Just get it off the dmg meters thanks.

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No, look, you can’t just assert things and treat them as facts. Why should this be changed and what design goal would that serve? Is it to better balance the value of secondary stats, to better reward skillful play with higher performance, or to better stroke your epeen by making big numbers flash on your screen?

Because right now, it looks the third is the only goal you have in mind. Which is a pretty weak reason to rebuild a spec that’s well balanced at the moment.


Arms is a bleed spec and that is a shame. If we went back years in time and you said in the future Warriors would lose their core design. That Arms would be a bleed spec and Prot wouldn’t have D stance ppl would laugh and say no way.

However here we are. Warriors over the past few expansions have gotten so far away from their great design and how they were built.

This is my main warrior btw that I played since TBC that I shelved and rerolled because of the sad state they are in. I won’t touch warriors again till the get some class design and get back to their core gameplay from several expansions ago.

If you like Arms or warriors as they are great. I won’t touch them because they aren’t warriors anymore.


Now on the one hand, I can see where you’re coming from. But on the other hand, I used to be a Warlock main. There were massively transformative spec redesigns every expansion. So I’m kind of used to the idea that the game changes over time and classes have to change with it.

So sure, Prot doesn’t have Defensive Stance any. Also gone is Vengeance, and Resolve, and Bonus Armor, and resist sets for specific bosses, and having to stack Hit so your taunt doesn’t miss, and trying to gear up to reach the Block Cap… I could go on. The game has changed a LOT. Classes have had to change to keep up with it. Not every change has been for the best, but you couldn’t drop a TBC or Wrath or Mists Warrior into the current game and expect them to be balanced.

So if you don’t like Arms Warrior now, well, maybe try Fury. Or see if you can find another class you like more. Or another game you like more. Because I don’t think you’re going to get any satisfaction from demanding the clock be turned back with no consideration for what the current play environment is like.

Yes for the worse

They didn’t have to lose their soul in the process.

It would at least be a REAL Warrior and be fun. (you know fun is important) Until they get back to signature core warrior class design. Count me out. Warriors are dead to me and I loved maining them for almost my entire play time.

The next time I touch a warrior will be in TBC.

It disgust me to even see Arms how it is now being a stupid bleed spec. I mained Prot but it’s a gutted shell of a real warrior. Again that’s a hard pass on playing Warrior until they really get back to signature warrior design and gamplay.

Again if you like it great but count me out. I had fun while it lasted but now playing a warrior is a thing of the past. I even had a Prot/Glad stance Youtube channel and I can always look back at the videos for nostalgia and remember the good old days of when Warriors were actually Warriors.

We will disagree on this as I am passionate about it and over 1 year played time as a warrior. So it’s a hard pass on Warrior now and in SL. I rather just remember the fun I had years ago and move on.

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Everything you’re saying is subjective.

And stop trying to throw out the “I’ve played warrior for x amount of time so my opinion should matter more.”
I’ve played warrior since release, and not just one, I have 4 warriors at max level, and have since MoP. Doesn’t make my opinion matter any more than the next guy’s.

Don’t like warrior? Good, you said you already rerolled, see yourself off the warrior forum and on to the paladin forum. Nobody here wants to read about your glory days of glad stance pvp or how tanks should be viable in arena.

Want to play warrior? Then adapt.

As has been stated, you can’t turn back time. The game’s changed, classes have changed, and everything will continue to change. Will warrior see the hayday of MSing somebody for 3/4 of their health again? Maybe, who knows. But as of right now, this is the design of the game and the design of warriors.

I hate the bleed mastery. But it is what it is, and I didn’t let that stop me from learning my class, adapting to change, and improving, you know why? Because I love warrior, always have, and always will. So I will stick with my class through the thick and the thin, just as I always have.

If you can’t do that, fine. But that doesn’t mean you can come in here, complain as if everything you say is gospel and everyone else is wrong, and then throw your played time in everyone’s face like your word is louder than everyone else’s.