I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

He can be gay with Sargaras. Sargaras can come back and be swinging his big giant sword down again and Anduin can look up mouth open eyes agape and gasp “Oh myyyyy it’s big!”


What about Spy Master Shaw and Flynn? :thinking:

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I never imply that you should speak seriously to me, all im asking for is for you to seek a help you clearly need, you even admitted to that.

I’m not interested in win or L, i just want you to get help first, and then we can talk after.


Here you go again.

Im really not, my stance has been clear, you seek help first, then come to me after.

This is not a serious issue at all, your well being should be the priority.

You never had a stance.

Unless you’re going to answer the question, you are nothing more than a troll getting his feelings hurt and deflecting.

I think you only read what you want to read, man. Take a deep breath, and scroll up, when i noticed you have issue, i said you should seek help first, and i never change that stance.

Hypocrisy. :rofl:

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Come find me after you found help okay? im genuinely concerned.

I don’t seek trolls out.

People that can help you IRL are not trolls.

Again… why would I seek a troll out?

Because they’re the one that can help you, you need help.

Clearly you aren’t an intelligent troll…

Forgot you said that huh?

I don’t seek out trolls.

I think you misread my post, i said seek help first, then come find me after.

If you don’t want to come find me after, that’s okay, but you need to seek help first.

Still doesn’t answer why I would seek a troll out lol

As i said, i ask that you seek a real help IRL, im on the internet, i can’t help you.

Seek help first okay?

It’s not explicitly stated in the book, just kinda implied. Also that’s one example. They’d better make Anduin and Wrathion gay or I’ll be mad

Don’t need it. Also yea I would never seek you out… unless I felt like hurting your feelings again because you’re trolling someone else.

It is a joke that Blizzard doesn’t remove this.

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