I really don't like Hunter's Mark

It’s just too clunky, hard to use, has CD so can’t quickly change.
Accidental pre-pulls often, just not a good “raid buff”. Can we think of something else? thanks!


how about an additional 1% of all Group/ RAID damage including all AOE is afflicted to the target with The hunter’s mark.

Hunter’s mark can only be applies to targets with > 70% health, and less than 30% Health.

once it is beteen 70 to 30% health hunter’s mark dissappears

Or, they could just revert it to it’s original purpose.

Places the Hunter’s Mark on the target, increasing the Ranged Attack Power of all attackers against that target by X. In addition, the target of this ability can always be seen by the hunter whether it stealths or turns invisible. The target also appears on the mini-map. Lasts for 2 min.

Change attack power to desired 5%+ damage from all sources for the entire duration of the fight. BOOM. Something that’s not useless in the middle of the bosses health pool.

No in between health percentage nonsense. Something simple and effective


Ranged Attack Power does not exist anymore.

Even if it did, that would essentially turn it into a(n awful) self-buff until Hunters are high-DPS enough to stack, at which point it becomes a slightly less awful self-buff, as Hunters would be the only ones to use it. All others would use (Melee) Attack Power and Spell Power, after all.

And once you do that, it has little to nothing in common with its “original purpose”.

You can do that, certainly, but then you’re siphoning off an increasing portion of Hunter damage towards their raid-buff, further reducing the likelihood that more than one Hunter will be invited to a raid outside of a council fight.

The best fix is to just make it a passive that applies when you use different hunter abilities and you can only keep one up at a time.

Yea its not fun to use every pull. Its okay in classic because the game is so much slower and most of my damage is auto attacks, But retail… just make it a dam passive to free up my bars.


completely agreed; just having to toggle between mobs, especially council, or bosses …it’s just a lot of unnecessary work. I’d rather it just be a raid buff and get it ove with or give us something else, please!

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We all would and we all complained when they brought this back but they didnt listen to the hunters they never do.

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orrr… concussive shot automatically applies hunter’s mark on the target.

hunter’s mark reduces Armor by 10%

Why would you want to have to have your raidbuff forcibly swapped to a target that’s only important enough to kite with Concussive Shot?



  1. make it an oGCD and reduce or remove its cooldown,
  2. revert Mark to a purely utility talent and buff Hunters’ own damage, or
  3. revert Mark and replace this raid-buff function it with a simple raid aura that increases damage dealt to enemies above 80% HP by 5%.



I agree with OP, it’s a pretty clucky skill that I most of the time just forget to apply. It either should be a talent of made passive:
“Hunter’s Make it’s automatically applied on your current target”
that would be a good interaction, unique for sure, and your party would always know what enemy the hunter is focusing on, which I believe is the core philosophy of the skill

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For a certain time in the past, Hunter’s Mark was designed to work this way, sort of. They can definitely make it so once more. Make it into a passive.

Hunter’s Mark

Your ranged shots(BM/MM/SV) and direct melee attacks(SV) apply Hunter’s Mark to the current target, causing the target to always be seen and tracked by the Hunter.

Hunter’s Mark increases all damage dealt to targets above 80% health by 5%. Only one Hunter’s Mark damage increase can be applied to a target at a time.

Hunter’s Mark can only be applied to one target at a time. The ability to apply Hunter’s Mark to a target has a 20 sec internal cooldown.

Another option would be to only allow certain abilities to apply Hunter’s Mark to the current target. Ex. Cobra Shot(BM), Aimed Shot(MM), Raptor Strike/Mongoose Bite(SV).

Having said that, I really don’t want our raid buff/utility to be in the form of Hunter’s Mark, but yeah…

Still haven’t used it.

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im used to hunters mark because SL conduit
however, it shouldn’t have a CD

How about ALL targets afflcted by Flare get Hunter’s marked for 20 seconds.
During that duration all physical damage is increased by 3%.

What do you guys think about this?

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How about hunters mark damage debuff part just getting applied with damage like every single other class that has raid buff debuffs… reduce the bloat of boring abilities replace with interesting ones