I re-did the essence grind on an alt

Undeniable, and now we’re getting a Legendary cloak grind.

8.3 without Account bound essences will be the WORST patch EVER for alts.


The Legendary cloak is on the PTR now and essences aren’t Account bound.

What are you in this thread for? You’re just stating things everyone knows and I’ve mentioned. It’s the entire point of this thread to complain about stupid decisions.


And your point is whining about something that’s probably not going to change.

Do you go join the high elves megathread and complain about them too? Do you hop on the classic forums and be miserable in their recommendation posts as well?

Your posts are doing a solid job at bumping the thread though.


Happy to help. :rofl:

Anyone ever tell you that you have the likability of a poorly made wall?

sadly for those with alt addiction the cure will not come till the last of the 8 series patching.

the patch that kills all this (azurite, essense, etc) and creates that level flat playing ground for week to month or before 9.0 drops.

Then 9.0 hits and alts can have fun in BFA for class based mog hunts if so desired. The odd state to this game for me. I make lots of alts (different classes) to enjoy older content. When you are looking at crap drop rates you take solace in the fact you at least clear the dungeon(s) quick.

The essence grind/time gate is the single biggest reason why I will not have alts post 8.2 (even though I had alts from MOP - BFA 8.1.5). I have decided to spend my money and time in other games. Since 8.2 came out I bought 3 different games and they are all great.

I get the need to make things achievable and away from RNG. I get the need to make mains feel “special”. I get the desire to stick it to those raiders for always getting the best stuff from the raid. I do. But none of that justifies the egregious grind for these essences as they currently stand.

This is not a premium gaming experience that costs up to $15/month + expansion. That is 1-3 DLC’s worth of money each month for the same horrible grind that is focused on doing the same repeatable content.

The player is not having fun because they have to do a specific set of grinds to become competitive in their choice of gameplay. The PVP player hates doing PVE. The Raider hates doing dailies on 1 character and forcing them to do it on #2,3,4, etc is even worse. The Daily Quest World Wide Champion hates going to PVP or Raiding to get gear.

Instead of putting a system that players request we have 1 system and multiple sub-categories with forced progression paths through each sub-category.

People ask for PVP Vendors?
“Its too confusing for new players”

People ask for PVE Vendors?
I will give Blizzard some shame and credit here. Shame is that BFA started with no Azerite Vendor or Residuum. Credit is that they eventually released one. It took forever to also get the Island Expedition Vendor. I liked how the Professions Vendors were done in 8.2 except how they required rep for the Rank 3 Cauldrons which is almost anti community.

World Quest Champions ask for good gear
Lets put powerful essences and profession tools into specific grinds making getting these essences time gated and split through every piece of content Blizzard has.


I would rather support a game that has useful gear with specific buffs for each content I am doing. For example.

445 ilvl Cloak = 100 power.

  • Obtained via a world quest it will have a WQ BUFF automatically and do its base ilvl Power of 100 + 30% more damage against world quest mobs.

  • Obtained via a Dungeon will give ilvl Power of 100 + 30% more damage against world quest mobs, dungeons and raid trash.

  • Obtained via a Raid it will give ilvl Power of 100 + 30 % of all mobs in the game. Perhaps they will have special effects also.

  • Obtained via PVP will give PVP Power.

Finally a vendor for PVP and PVE should be there making acquiring certain items deterministic in some way, similar to residuum but without having to wait 3-6 weeks for a specific item. Ideally this vendor can forge any piece of gear with the PVP, PVE WQ, PVE Dungeon, PVE RAID BUFFS if you infuse it (from lets say a trash piece that you would toss out).

So a fully decked out Cloak would have 445 +WQ+PVP+DUNGS+RAID Buffs. Where you get use from the buffs everywhere but certain buffs are only zone specific. But if you have all you are powerful in all content. If you have only PVP but you only PVP you are strong for only that content. If you only raid you are strong but do not have the world quest stacking buff that helps you do world quests faster.

In so much a way that the goal is to drive players to do what they love doing the most without forcing them to do what you want them to do. In an MMORPG we are only going to RPG and be in our element if we are having fun. The more you force us to do something you think will drive up those metric, the less I am going to play and invest in your game overall.

Let the PVP Pro PVP all day. Let the World Quest Champion save Azeroths lands. Let the Raider kill the toughest bosses. Let the Dungeon Crawler clean house. Let people have fun doing what they love.


Oh no I’m torn.

I agree, I expect these kind of awful timegates in F2P mobile games.

Start a construction
23 hours, 59 minutes remaining - USE GEMS TO SPEED UP BOOST?


Another grindy mechanic thought up by some dev with zero ability to identity ‘fun’ and ‘burnout’


It completely backfired too, my friends/guildies would easily be playing alts if this wasn’t around. They thought it’d mean everyone would bite the bullet like me but I’m rerolling for next tier so that was my motivation.


They’d be more likely to be changed if people didn’t countersignal. ML threads full of “sucks to be you, elitist” replies and GCD threads full of “wahhh baby wants their macros back” replies don’t present a unified voice to the developers.

I still don’t see how anyone could be against the old way of having the choice between ML/PL. It’s absolutely baffling how anyone could complain by having the best of both worlds.

And how exactly does having account bound essences punish anyone? It’s obscene.


It has nothing to do with fun. It has everything to do with extending subscriptions.


But if people don’t having things to do on their mains, and they dont want to redo the essence grind on an alt… they unsub…

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Which is a fact of life: its why things like 6-month subs, mid-patches, Classic, anniversary exist.

WoW is in the late time of its maturity cycle, Activision is trying to get as much money from players without being too direct in their notions.

Ahh yes, the 10 minutes of questing content we got in 8.2.5.

Kept people around for DOZENS of minutes.


M+, Classic, 8.3.

You know how they could get my guildies playing again? Lowering the barrier of entry for alts instead of adding another grind piece like legendary cloaks (Which apparently are the weakest excuse for a legendary ever).

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