I love everything about the game, but the raiding is the endgame content, and the raiding is a little too rediculious. I wish it was a slightly harder version of normal raids, but instead, it is drenched in complex and meticlious mechanics… “Go to your clock positions. A demon shadow will spawn behind you. Look behind your shoulder, if you see a cat standing on a light post, move counter-clock-wise, if not move clock wise, if you see a bird instead, everyone stack in the far east corner. Next mech.” and multiply this meme by 12+ and this is FFXIV extreme/savage/ultimate raiding in a nutshell — I just cant get into the head space of it all. And its sad because i LOVE the game aesthetically and i LOVE the community, it’s a perfect game to me until you get to endgame. I wish the raiding was more similiar to WoW if I’m to be honest. Theres normal → and then heroic with slightly more intense mechanics, and fights are just harder mathematically → and then mythic where is way harder but more of the same, still. FF14 raidings are like… more like puzzles rather then boss fights… and its just not for me, back in Azeroth full time!!
Oh yeah??? interesting. Everyone probably busted their a$$ getting to 80 / post msq finish to find out, its a very, very different type of head space then WoW lol.
I gotta be honest, I would be extremly addicted to the game if the raids were designed differently. I feel like the raids are 80% mechs, 20% boss fight in feeling. If it was more 50/50 or even 60/50 I would be extremly into the game. For playing an MMO with heavy nostalgia value alone… but if the end game / path to elitism is like the way it is… im out.
They fail to make it clear that the -13% of the players are those who play the game thru Steam (the smallest group of players), according to the other thread. They’ve disregarded the numbers who play thru the launcher directly from Squenix, as well as console players, as they were told numerous times. My best guess is that Steam is about 2%-3% of the player base…so 13% of that 2-3% - barely a blip.
Going back to you… I’m still leveling thru the game (been playing since 2015), taking my time enjoying everything on the way there, so it’ll be a while before I’ll experience that. Since my guild broke up at the end of Legion, I’ve given up on raiding and soon WoW altogether, and just focus on MMOs that have more side and leveling content to enjoy.
I have heard how hard savage raids are from others, and your explanation is humourous … but I getcha, and it does make me curious about the mechanics of it since I’m a big puzzle person. I may attempt to at least try to raid in the game just to see how it is - though I prob won’t go full time as I used to in WoW.
At the same time, though, having been raiding in WoW since MoP, its raids felt just about as complex as far safety-dancing is concerned. I occasionally hear of other players’ concerns about the hopeless dependence on mods like DBM for that very reason, with some people even going as far to say that Blizz made the mechanics as complex as they did because of the mod (I don’t know how true that is, though). I never got to enjoy mythic either since I couldn’t find people who weren’t scared to try it with its extra mechanics.
But either way though, I respect your stance because you took the time to enjoy the game as a whole, something that most players don’t bother doing nowadays; they’ll just judge a game by the cover.
I hope you can find your enjoyment in WoW again with all the mess that’s going on. I know once I’m gone, I can’t see myself coming back; I barely touch the content and nearly all of my social connections have vanished outside of the few people I already talk to outside of the game. Everything I enjoy an MMO for nowadays there’s either no interest in having it in WoW or is incapable of having due to its engine.
I really like FF14 but I admit I come back to/miss Wow because I do enjoy how it’s “simpler.” No need to watch cutscenes, even though I think the story is pretty good a lot of it is filler and plain annoying. That said i will probably just subscribe to both games, maybe taking breaks between them.
I’ve been playing FF XIV for the MSQ mostly. Which I am enjoying. But based on what I’ve seen and heard, once I finish the MSQ I’m most likely done in terms of endgame. I can see levelling up other jobs (I’ve been a Dragoon so far) but the endgame just doesn’t sound interesting.