Here’s a wild idea: actually invest time and resources in creating new content. Everything “new” is done off a gargabe, recycled template design anyway, so why not throw some Mickey Mouse ears on it and keep pretending you’ve done the most innovative thing the internent has ever seen.
You’re completely missing the point, but ok.
Let’s just let everyone queue up to receive rewards then. Take your ticket, wait your turn. Why even have a game to run around in. No need.
Glorious for you. It makes no difference to me and I like shorter queue times. So our opinions cancel each other out. Actually I rather like the level 11 super tanks. Makes for an easy and quick run. Not like I enjoy playing the same dungeon 50 times a day to try and get that timereaver or a bit of gear when gearing up. Idk it’s kinda psycho to me if you like to do strathome over and over constantly forever. Maybe just do it yourself on a level locked lowbie toon then. You know, on regular difficulty.
Nah, because Level 80s provide the only “good” experience in random Timewalking Dungeons from what I’ve seen.
If you removed Level 80s out of the leveling TWs, then what you’d end up with is either people who are too overpowered for the content (anybody <60) or people who are too weak to really handle stuff (75-79) and occasionally, very rarely, a few people in that sweet spot between 60 and 70.
I love seeing 80s in TW when I’m leveling. They make a run more smooth. Not too overpowered, but yet not too weak either, especially if the majority of the group has them and nobody is <30.
I feel like the only people who think it’s fun when they get carried by a level 11 warrior spamming whirlwind are people with no jobs and living on government money. Those are the kind that lost any sense of fulfilment from putting in their own weight. They just want to sit back and leech on everyone else with the least amount of effort and time spent.
After a day of work I wanna play the game but Timewalking is like watching TV because it plays out for me as it is now and no matter how good I play, my presence doesn’t even matter because a level 11 does 90% of everyone’s damage spamming 1-2 abilities. So I end up just running from entrance to last boss feeling miserable.
Hate this. Been striking out with this these last few days and it’s really gotten old. Watching the average wait time drop while you’re pushing 26 minutes of no queue pops is enough to make you logout and do something else.
I don’t know what’s going on, but I swear it’s getting worse.
I think it’s likely the opposite, as much as people love to make fun of political groups.
The people with 40 hour/week jobs are the ones in a royal hurry, screaming “time is money!” like a fricken goblin wanting 5 minute dungeon clears because they’re in such a hurry, even though they’re playing a game that is fundamentally designed to waste as much of their time as possible, doing stuff they admit they don’t find fun, and ruining everybody else’s fun in the process.
Wow, jesus man. Can you not? You just whined about how you hated the poor. How disgusting.
Because these level 11 twinks are in every group right?
Nothing stops you from playing the game , you are always able to form your own group to avoid twinks.
Some people just want to get their weekly done quickly and move on to what they enjoy more in game. Because many people have seen these dungeons hundreds of times and just don’t care to spend more time than needed on them.
I never said I hated the poor, I don’t appreciate you putting words in my mouth. But you’re likely American so I give you a pass for misunderstanding.
In Europe you’re not poor per say for living off government money as there are a lot of additional benefits. Most of the people I meet in-game who are indefinitely jobless always seem to have the newest store items and are basically in-game most of the day. So not exactly poor, right?
I don’t like non participating people, but those can be rich too.
So far, yeah. Every group I’ve been in. It’s always a level 11 fury warrior signed up as a tank.
I really have to say I really don’t understand why people run these twinks.
If they’re after badges, wouldn’t it be better to do your weekly with as many alts as possible to get the 500 on the first alt +200 thereafter + the quest turn-in from doing the first?
They aren’t leveling (obviously), and the only thing they are getting is badges from bosses and what was it, 2-3 coins from a dungeon completion?
I’m almost done with my coins and I only casually peck at it. I think I got like 6 class sets left and I think I have enough coins to buy one or two of them and I’m not even trying to grind coins at all.
So WTF are the twinks after?
Don’t know what to say since I’ve run a ton of tw in the last month and come across maybe 2. Most groups I’ve had are people leveling and more often than not still in the gear they had 30+ levels ago.
They are farming the anniversary tokens since you can exchange them for tw badges as well 25 for 500 badges.
What’s the conversion rate again? I forget. It still doesn’t seem like THAT good of a return, but that’s just me I suppose.
I’ve been doing the TW quests on quite a few characters. I considered myself lucky to run into a twink one time so far.
Everyone was chatting and having a good time. The healer and i both thanked the twink for a good time.
It was an 11 twink warrior carrying two low level shaman. I was on this warrior when i joined and we also got another shaman as a healer - not a carry. We did 4 dungeons fairly quickly.
As far as i am concerned, no harm done. Everyone was playing their own characters. I was always able to dps to my hearts content. There was zero 1 shotting going on.