So, another one of my epiphanies occurred a few days ago, and, it involved the Dwarven Heritage armor! I know everyone loves class identity and all, but, I thought I would try and give a cloth-wearing Dwarf a chance at a the Heritage Armor to test an Anduin-esque plate-wearing Priest!
I’ve been loving him so far, and, I guess, if I wanted to give this thread any kind of topic, I’d have to say how much I’ve been LOVING Discipline Priests so far, and their healing-damage balance!
Sorry for this really having no point, but I thought I’d share! Thanks
I’d give you a like, but I’ve been spreading too much love for Blizzard to handle today!
Yeah, the look was a ‘lore’ (not really hehehe) attempt at making him very Bronzebeard, but, having a white hood and cape to represent a Battle Priest!
OH! I should add that what makes my weapon choices so unique is that when ‘sheathed’, they both disappear, giving me an appearance of not needing weapons in combat!
ya that mug o’ hurt and a few others sheath invis like that. Ironfoe is a must for any dwarf though, so you kill the crap out of Thaurissan til it drops!