So, another one of my epiphanies occurred a few days ago, and, it involved the Dwarven Heritage armor! I know everyone loves class identity and all, but, I thought I would try and give a cloth-wearing Dwarf a chance at a the Heritage Armor to test an Anduin-esque plate-wearing Priest!

I’ve been loving him so far, and, I guess, if I wanted to give this thread any kind of topic, I’d have to say how much I’ve been LOVING Discipline Priests so far, and their healing-damage balance!

Sorry for this really having no point, but I thought I’d share! Thanks :heart:


Your Priest reminds me of a popular race/class combo from EverQuest: the dwarf Cleric!

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Thank you :smiley:

I’d give you a like, but I’ve been spreading too much love for Blizzard to handle today!

Yeah, the look was a ‘lore’ (not really hehehe) attempt at making him very Bronzebeard, but, having a white hood and cape to represent a Battle Priest!

Also, he needs his tankard. That’s a must.

If you wanna go pure Battle Priest, you can roll Holy and get bonus damage to Smite, in addition to Holy Fire and HW: Chastise.

Surprisingly high damage, sadly doesn’t get the “heal while smiting” effect Disc has.

Looks fab. I like the concept of Battle Priest!

I definitely plan on exploring the other specs - Thank you!

Thanks you lovely moo :kissing_heart:

I love hoods on Dwarf males. There’s something about the whole ‘hood literally overflowing with an explosion of beard’ that’s just so perfect.

Hahaha, I have never seen someone put it so well!

Right? It’s weird when ears stab through plate helms but a beard busting through them makes sense.

I’m not currently playing any clothies that can use plate-style heritage armor, but I always figured that would be the most interesting use of it.

I loved the look too! I don’t have many cloth looks, so it was pretty tough to find supplements to the Heritage armor!

I’m happy you guys like it though!

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Looks great, needs Ironfoe in the MH though :smiley:

RNG my dear Arshia, RNG.

OH! I should add that what makes my weapon choices so unique is that when ‘sheathed’, they both disappear, giving me an appearance of not needing weapons in combat!

Another little detail I found cool :stuck_out_tongue:

ya that mug o’ hurt and a few others sheath invis like that. Ironfoe is a must for any dwarf though, so you kill the crap out of Thaurissan til it drops! :stuck_out_tongue:

I will my friend, I VOW TO!

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So basically a paladin?

You’re fun.

It’s a completely unique look to anything a Paladin could pull off, but, whatever satisfies you.