I play a shaman and complain about how broken it is

I do love seeing the bait from horde saying ally have paly, however it doesnt even compare. I walked into phase 2 ab with auction house greens on my shaman and was mopping up palys priests wars hunters and their pets in gnomer gear. Meta locks werent an issue. We as shamans have way too many get out of mistake freebes in our kit to actually ever be punished. Legit walked towards 5 ally that came running at me and just steam rolled them. The damage output is too insane. Was fun gameplay for the first 3 games but quickly got over the feeling of having godmode on.

whenever you see a horde player saying “but paly this or that” its bait and they know shamans are the most busted class. They LOVE seeing ally complain about it.


Thanks for the read. 6/10 couldnt give you more because you are obviously trolling.

You didnt tell us what spec of shaman you are talking and were those players afk? Because you ALONE weren’t kill palys, priests, wars and hunters.

Silly Gnome. I hope you feel just a bit better about ur choose for picking alliance in SOD. Might I entice you in playing Cata? Alliance are doing well there.

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I’m glad my flags reset so I can provide more to spam threads like this. I’ll probably run out again here in the next hour or so. Sad day.

If you are running out of flags id say its time to hop off the forums if things upset you that much


Who ever said anything about being upset?

I’ll take “things that never happened for $600” Alex.

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“I care so much about my shaman staying OP, so I monitor forums and join all threads about them to flag posters”


Weird interpretation. Especially since I didn’t claim I played a shaman anywhere in this thread.

I suppose you support spam threads instead of contributing to an existing one?

Special kind of special.

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You either main one or you have some weird fetish towards them. You jump on every thread defending them. People with a normal IQ can put 2 and 2 together. I know thats difficult for you though.


Riiiight. Whatever you say there, bud.

You’re giving me vibes of the person who was trying to debate me yesterday.

I’ll kindly request you show me a single post I’ve made defending them. As I told the other dude, it’s a holiday weekend and I’ve got tonight and tomorrow off of work. You’ll be hard pressed, but take your time. :slight_smile:

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Let’s see the vhs tape bud

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Still waiting.

Brah you are admitting to debating people on these forums. Its a 20 year old game and you have 6000 posts. Time to take a step back

Just gonna drop this here.

6,000 posts is not 5658.

You should really rethink yourself before trying question someone else’s IQ.

Still waiting btw.

I know you won’t be able to find anything, but it’s fun watching you try to deflect.

You would never catch me admitting something like this in public.
Jesus christ, how sad.

I strongly recommend to close your browser and go for a walk.


Yeah whats his endgame? I post an unhealthy amount on a 20 year old game you should value my input?

I can almost smell him through my phone screen

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Good thing we’re not in public, huh? :slight_smile:

I’ll be alright. Forums are a place for me to decompress and I enjoy my time here in debating with people. Provides me some weird peace.

Hate to break it to you, but that’s not me and likely yourself you’re smelling.

Still waiting for you to back up your accusation toward me.

I think theres a word for that condition brother

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Do tell person who can’t put 2 + 2 together and thinks I’m the one with a low IQ. I’m all ears.

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You don’t consider open forums as a public space?
I guess that explains some of your comments and general behaviour.

Keep in mind that anonymity is not an excuse for degeneracy.

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