I Now Support Multiboxing

Doing this gets your alts through world quests, but will never get them M+ gear. Trying to multibox in LFR will also get you kicked because keeping 5 toon or even 2 toons off of bad stuff is super difficult and not worth it. The dude with 1 account will always be far ahead of any boxer. If a boxer wants M+ gear on an alt, they will need to run them separately. The getting ahead idea is not really a thing unless someone thinks 5 undergeared alts is getting ahead. The main advantage is fewer corpse runs.

I have a sneaking suspicion that multiboxers generally don’t care about running M+. Gold making is in the open world, and mog farms can be done in legacy content.


But that’s the thing - I’m not looking to super gear out my army of alts. I just want to do quests and have fun, while having multiple femme dorfs follow behind my primary toon. I don’t do gathering professions with them (and if I do, I solo play that specific toon to gather and level their profession). I don’t rampage lfr or mythics or heroics.

I just like having tons of alts, and I like to multibox while doing it.

How is this concept so hard for some of you to grasp? I play to have fun with my toons. Not to become some derpy l33t hardcore roflmancer.

/rollseyes y’all need to start actually listening to what other people say and stop interjecting what YOU think we do.


Many in the community, as well as developers, think players shouldn’t be doing anything other than running the same boring 8 dungeons over and over, participating in an unbalanced trashfire of a PvP system, or play DDR in 15 minute-long boss fights 4 nights a week.

That extremely narrow vision leaves out a humongous portion of the game, and it’s why the game is where it is today - mostly abandoned to rot except for “endgame”.

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Yeop. People are dumb.

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lol I don’t do M+

I don’t do LFR

I don’t care about this

All I wanted was more characters to do my collecting on, Blizz isn’t going to increase the cap, fine now I’m a multiboxxer.


“You don’t grind M+ or raids? YOU’RE PLAYING THE GAME WRONG!”

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This is why I would do it.

Basically yeah lol. When I started realizing I would soon be able to afford paying for 4 accounts at the same time for optimal transmog farm, I suddenly started accepting multiboxing… then it was banned lmao.

One innovative tech Blizzard could develop to level the multibox playing field and as a cool technology compared to other MMOs, is a feature where you can set one of your own alts as a custom follower with basic bodyguard/pet AI, but with full benefits of being able to also collect gear and ressource nodes. That would be pretty sweet to run around with one of your own toons helping out. XD

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I love all the people posting here about how bad, evil and just plain awful multiboxing is/was.
The economy is still being ruined by bots, just like before.
Only difference is players who weren’t breaking rules before the changes quit after they changed them.

Thank you to all the ignorant haters for the laughs.


It’s like conservatives who are for limited federal government, until they get their guy the White House.

multi boxing is a plague that should never return

Bad players are a plague, much like yourself.

Multiboxing never left, not sure where all these ignorant players get the idea that it did…

Know what I support? Coffee.

:coffee: :relieved:

<< I still multibox - toons on /follow and manually hitting keys - Just like I always have.

Where is your god now?

.gif is relevant. The kitten is all of you still crying about multiboxing, white cat is us multiboxers. It is also a cute cat gif.

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Honestly sometimes these posts read more like someone getting butt mangled because they’re getting called out for playing the game un-fairly.

Never understood how sarcasm works, eh?

Cool cool.

I mean unless you forgot your /s for the rest of the thread?

K. Time for social education methinks.

I don’t know how old memes are supposed to change the “I’m not like those other boxers” posts but okay.