I NEED Worgen Monks

Why is this not a thing?

I’ve heard two reasons why:

The first is silly RP reasons, that no Pandaren monks would have been in Gilneas (or I guess the goblin starting area??) But I guess pandarens made their way to Kul Tiras and Zandalari, and wherever Mechagnomes were hanging out and High Mountain, and Void Elves, and even managed to get into Suramar under a dome that’s been there THOUSANDS OF YEARS but haven’t gotten around to training the Goblins (which have been around all over the place since Vanilla) or any of the Worgens since leaving Gilneas?

The other reason I heard is that the models were not built for monk animations, which makes more sense since they are both the ones from Cata. It took them longer to update those models for the same reason. But still… they added tons and tons of awesome new customizations, and they’ve revamped the spell animations in WoD or Legion I forget which, but they couldn’t add in Monk animations?

But come on, Worgen/Goblins are the ONLY race that can’t be Monks. It makes no sense anymore.

Can we please get Worgen/Goblin Monks?

Pretty Please?

Edit: I just heard a 3rd reason, that lore-wise goblins and worgen lack the self control or whatever to be monks, that goblins are too greedy and worgen too wild. But I think that’s also ridiculous. There is a goblin monk in the order hall. And worgen can be priests, mages, warlocks and druids, all classes that you think would take patience, dedication, time, etc. I especially feel that if worgens can control themselves enough to be holy priests or scholarly mages they can probably handle being a monk…


No tails and no monk class. Just come join the master race that is Vulpera OwO


Just gonna point out that with Exile’s Reach there is literally no lore reason anymore that Worgen/Goblin can’t be Monks.


The thing is that to be a monk you need to find inner peace, and Worgen are pretty much incapable of that, since the Worgen form is almost like a separate entity, and they constantly have to control themselves to evade losing their senses and succumbing to rage.

Genn himself mentions how he is always scared of being near his family in fear that he might attack them.

Goblins i guess they could, but i dont see Worgen unless they find a way to completely control or get rid of the violent instincts of the transformation


Lore hasn’t mattered in forever


Try being at a height where you don’t smell fart all the time and then talk about master race.


didn’t your race barrier themselves in a city that was impenetrable? I wouldn’t be talking about fart, when your whole city was just a giant hot box of farts.


This is all the more reason why they should be monks. I know that I’d be seeking out that training to control myself.

Besides, the player characters don’t have to be average or typical examples of the species - just like most night elves aren’t mages and most tauren aren’t sunwalkers, but those are usable by the player character.

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… yeah, like… you could make the argument that Gilneas was staunchly, idiotically, “WE’LL BUILD A BIG, BEAUTIFUL WALL!!!” isolationist and so actively kept the Pandaren out, but compared to Suramar? …

Other than that I suppose the argument is that being a Monk is all about peace and harmony and the Worgen’s mental budget on both is already completely tapped out not being a ravening feral wolfbeast 24/7, but I’unno.

It’s hard to argue against the idea that the class most identified with hand-to-hand wouldn’t fit super nicely with the race whose identity is fangs and claws.

I get what you say but listen, the Worgen curse isnt something natural, its a curse after all, the Worgen are constantly struggling with their instincts which are strong, is not something you can just control, its almost like two personalities fighting at the same time for control, kinda like Hulk.

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Indeed. I mean, the Windwalkers get to summon a tiger, for pity’s sake. It’s not like claws are suddenly a problem, heh.

Which can be fixed by science to make Professor Hulk.

I mean you foxes live in a litter box for exiles so let’s not talk about places to live in.


Like Rockwell said, Worgen are in a constant state of having to deal with their rage and thus it would be very difficult for them to be Monks.

It is the same reason Worgen can’t be Paladins. Paladins are about control, rational thought, and justice. Worgen are none of that. They are about rage, they are highly emotional, and they are more likely to be vengeful.

A great way this is displayed is in Before the Storm where Genn and Turaylon both react to something, Genn is all pissed and highly volatile because his emotions run high as a Worgen. Turalyon on the other hand is level headed and calm and thinks rationally.

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Worgen can’t be monks due to the lack of a tail… for stability and balance

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Yeah but to do that you basically have to eradicate the Worgen persona

Yeah guys Hulk DIED once Bruce Banner managed to take full control

Does the game every actually say that? That you need “Inner Peace.” I don’t really remember that being anything involved in questing as a monk. Yeah meditate and tranquility and such, but just like all the other classes they never go into detail about that kind of stuff. My monk isn’t told to go sit on a post for 6 years living off dew and universe juice. I wonder if the whole “inner peace” thing is more something that players bring from outside influence on monks.

But even so… there are so many lore/class contradictions in wow already that this one seems insignificant in comparison.

The lack of self control was solved by the night elves’ ritual. We don’t see any Gilnean worgen struggling with their inner beast for that very reason, from Genn to Crowley to any NPC you can find.
If that weren’t the case, the player would still be reliant on the potions brewed by Krennan Aranas (or the recipe he made, at least).

With regards to finding inner piece, that argument is blown out of the water just by Void Elf Monks alone. Because they definitely don’t have and cannot achieve inner piece with the void constantly whispering in their minds. Likewise, Undead Monks and Troll Monks are pretty contrary to the archetype.


That’s because Blizzard isn’t great at showing consequences. But Genn says in the Worgen Heritage Quest that he struggles with the rage of being a Worgen. We also see Sven Yorgen, after being given the salve in Duskwood he almost kills Jitters because of his rage but is talked down by Oliver Harris.

The potion only allowed them to recover their consciousness, with the ritual allowing them a more permanent solution and allowing them to return to their human form.

But the violent instincts are still there, which they have to constantly fight against.

As for Void Elves, its more like a weird voice trying to manipulate you, but with the Worgen curse is instinct, like i said earlier Genn mentions how he is afraid of tearing his family apart every time he is near them.

And this was recent, in the Worgen heritage, we even saw it on her daughter Tess during the dream sequence, she easily succumbed to the violent instincts of the curse.

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Alright, well maybe I have the specifics wrong. What I do know is that the night elves’ ritual makes self-control achievable. I’ll cede this point since I don’t really have a counterargument.

However, the inner beast still isn’t a strong enough argument against worgen monks. Like I said, void elves can be monks and the madness of the void is just as toxic to inner peace as deep rage.

The whispers of the void are incessant and maddening. Without training, there is no resisting or suppressing them.

In the Windrunners comic, we see that Alleria still struggles with the whispers even though she has been taught to resist them. They never shut up, they never stop, and they are insistent.

You cannot achieve inner peace with a chorus of insistent whispers tearing at your mind at every waking hour.

If Void Elves can overcome the whispers that corrupted Deathwing and Loken, then the Worgen can overcome their bloodlust.

Just curious because I haven’t done the heritage yet -
Did they put Tess through the ritual? As far as I know, she had a brief experience as a worgen with none of the alchemy or magic that help worgen control themselves.