Alright so, I have a hard time finishing games just because my attention span with solo single player games is very short and I can never finish them. I want to get into God of War, but I worry that 1. it might be too hard 2. I might not finish so is this game worth getting into? If not, feel free to list some others. I don’t care if games are hard but when it comes to single player games, I am more in it for the story than achievements and such.
How short is “very short”? I ask because depending on it, you necessarily don’t have to play your games in marathon sessions each time; playing for something like 2-hrs at a time isn’t unheard of. Once you feel your attention drifting away from the game, save your progress and go back to it another time. I know when I find myself tabbing out from a game frequently, it’s time for me to break from it.
Since story is what you’re in it for, treat your games like a book and use that to maintain your attention. Develop that eagerness, that desire, to learn what will happen next to the characters.
God of War is a series full of story, so it’s a fine game to pick up. I played the ones prior to GoW: Ascension and they all had difficulty settings, so the difficulty isn’t an issue; probably the ones after Ascension have it as well.
As far as other recommended titles go, JRPGs have always been my go-to genre for story-heavy games, if that’s your thing. There are tons of titles out there but I understand if they may be “too anime” for some people. I’ll recommend titles like Nier: Automata to start you off; that game has like 20+ endings so it’ll keep you occupied for a while. That game itself is a distant sequel to the original Nier, while the whole IP is a spin-off from the Drakengard series, which has its own set of games.
You can also try any of the Tales of… series (Arise, Zestiria, Symphonia, Berseria) off of Steam.
It depends on the game, sometimes a few weeks to a couple of months. It’s not because I dislike the game or anything, but when it comes to games, I don’t like side-tracking like side quests or grinding. I like staying in clear of the game’s goal, which is to get to points a to b.
I’ve played this game quite a bit, one of my favorites. Never really finished it because of how you were forced to do side quests. But I did play the first game, which is one of my favorites to this day. But would it be okay to play GOW? I never played the first couple of games, but the game looks quite fun.
GoW fun asf, so feel free to play. There aren’t any side-quests that I can recall, so it’s more or less a straight shot to the end.
Thank you, I appreciate it! Have a nice day,
I buy single player games and I don’t finish them, but it’s nice to have games to play other than WoW.