I need a target macro that plays a sound

Its literally just the quotation marks for some reason lol. Oh well, another mystery solved

Great find; it must be some weird hidden character or formatting being brought over from the HTML on the forums.

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Good work gentlemen appreciate it. I can finally sit in silence again without listening to the wind


Also, if you want to get the SoundID for anything. Here is a way to use WoWHead. You can search for any sound, and WoWHead will actually give you the in-game code for that sound.

can I replace storm wind music with Darnassus? I’m so tired of that song.

You’d have to edit the game files but shouldn’t be hard at all. It’s the same way people have changed the crit noise to "wooooow’ etc.

I was gonna ask if there was a repository somewhere like that

No, you cannot modify any of the default Blizzard files under the ToS. That is a big no-no and can equal a ban.

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Although technically correct, the ToS forbids it. If Blizzard’s anti-cheat engine sees the files have been changed, it can ban your account.

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Also technically correct but unlikely. People have used the crit addons for years. But they did crack down on the model changer that let people edit their character models a couple years ago so yours is probably the safest answer

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Yeah, I have no idea what the anti-cheat checks for, and since that big crackdown on the model changer, I just don’t take the risk. I leave everything alone in the default blizzard files and folders other than the Interface folder.

Interesting discussion on it here btw

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Glad we could help and get it figured out for you.


This thread deserves an award for being the most helpful thread on the forum.


Does the sound still play if the NPC is not currently present? Because if it does, it’s not very useful.

Its mostly a cesspool here but every now and then we’re moderately helpful. :smile:

You just throw a stopmacro with a conditional in the middle there.

/tar young thistl
/stopmacro [noexists][dead]
/script PlaySound(8959,“Dialog”)

Also, if you look at the more complex script, there is a stopmacro command right before the raid marker and sound portions.

But yes, if you wanted the simple script @Bearhands is right, it would be:

You can do a lot more with Lua too but probably not necessary for this application

And you’re right, I didn’t even notice you had a /stopmacro in your longer macro

If you wanted a full script I would also add a /cleartarget to the top so the full macro is:

/tar NPC Name
/stopmacro [noexists][dead]
/script PlaySound(8959,“Dialog”)

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or is there an add-on to silence the music, and then a script to play a new file? Thus not changing game files?

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