I need a target! I neeeeeed a target! I need a target! I don't have a target. I neeeeed a target!

For Pete’s sake!! SHUT UP!! :angry: My idiot character can have enemies standing one inch from his face, blasting at him, and he’d still say, “I need a target!” I have to manually target each and every bad guy by using a keybind. Why can’t the game automatically target the next enemy? Blizzard, please sell some coke-bottle glasses in the ingame store because my characters need them.


You can disable error messages >.> do that in the settings.


Open main menu > System > Sound > Uncheck Error Speech


Blizz: “We fixed tab targeting.”

Meanwhile, I could be in Torghast with 8 enemies smashing my face and tab will lock onto a pot that’s 60 yards away.


:point_up_2: I laughed waaaaaaaaay too hard.
TY for the early morning giggle! I felt that, deep in my soul!


I forgot the game even does that, lol


Does the macro command /targetnearestenemy not work as advertised?


I only play races with voices I like.

Sadly this means I can never play a kul tiran really as they sound like hagrid.

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Thank you I never knew it could be turned off. Glad I came across this topic


That was great!

“I do not have a target” became a household meme for my family when I mained this character in BfA haha.

Same here. I have no Idea how someone can play a blood elf for longer than 5 minutes if they don’t turn off their character’s voice.

Plenty of options to fix it

  1. As most classes casting a hostile only spell while targetting an ally will automatically swap you to the main target so have a macro that targets the group leader or yourself and then it will autoswap and shoot the spell at a target.

  2. Macro your attacks as mouseovers can be done even for melee skills, toss in something like the following to target your mouseover target so you dont loose melee auto attacks due to no target. /target [@target, harm, nodead] target; [@mouseover, harm, nodead] mouseover

you can also manipulate your tab targeting with your camera angle… make sure only wanted targets are in camera view then tab will only switch between those targets … if you forget and let that npc Waaaay over there get into your backshot… well … at least in the lower brackets its all exp.

The legion tab targeting changes were actually the worst.


Meanwhile, Those 8 enemies are killing you while you rotate through Tab Target.

Me: Blizzard, you didn’t fix tab targeting. Somehow you made it worse than ever before.

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Most of those races also saying “I need to target something first” as I know; have been found mostly like Blood Elf.

i just put the line “/startattack” with my macros, and it’ll autotarget an enemy along with whatever else follows in the macro… just don’t wand a boss. =P

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Why can’t you just target something?