I Need... a Tailor

Am I the only one that thinks 75 Vibrant Wildercloth Bolt for a single quest that gives 5 stones is just insane?


No your not I can afford to buy them if I want too but not…that is too damn much mats for one quest turn in now.


Its just as bad as the gem quest last week. 50 or so gems for 5 bicks. Its like Bliz wants us to spend 1000s of gold ofr 5 bricks. LOL


Yepper…I did that one last week without in realizing amount was need to do it…I do regret it too


Nope…I haven’t been doing those every week because the cost is too much for the mats or to outright buy them. Not spending 1K or more for those quests…Maybe if they lower to 10 or 15 I may start doing them and possibly on alts as well but as long as it’s that many none of mine will be doing them.


I was glad to spend only 20k (lol) this week on the weekly items for all my alts instead of the 30k I spent last week till I saw the other thread in the profession forum about not being able to turn in rank 3 bolts. I bought mats to make them since it would actually be cheaper this time around to do crafting myself, but I’m realizing any inspired ones won’t be useable for the quest. I also just remembered the shovels don’t stack so more bag space issues lol. These quests are much worse than the weekly profession craft ones we’ve been doing already.


Also most well developed tailors make rank 3 bolts not rank 2 which is what is required!

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