I need a new main

I use to main shadow, but I have sustained an injury that is going to leave permanant damage to my wrists and fingers, so I can no longer spam keys like shadow or outlaw.
What’s something slower paced but still has halfway decent utility?
(have a very close eye on devoker atm)

Arcane mage with low haste is pretty fun and low apm (attacks per minute). Unfortunately shadow is already on the lower side and it’s not much less. I am sorry to hear about your injury. Have you considered using gaming footpedals?

Shadow also lost its pace for me when they did the rework. It went from my most loved spec, to I tried to love it and I just don’t. I hate it.
I haven’t, I have to use mouse and keyboard. I can’t game any other way.
Thinking of maybe ele or arms

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You could try Destro Warlock or BM Hunter.

i think mage and rogue would be the best pick because u have 2 specs to chose from that are both pretty slow: frost and arcane, and assassination and outlaw. so if you ever get bored of one you can switch to the other :DD also maybe try arms warrior?

Devastation Evoker is, by a large margin, the slowest spec in the game right now.

Outlaw is one of the fastest in the entire game.

That’s the list of actions per minute each spec does in single target simulations.

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Devoker it is. Been debating on maining it anyway.

I’d rather uninstall than play BM.

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outlaw? i love a good joke but let’s not troll a serious thread please

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Did…did…did that image say arms is more spammy than sin?

Ok? You didn’t specify any class you’d rather not play so I gave you the obvious suggestion for what you were looking for.

No need to start getting aggressive here.


Two more abilities every minute, yes. Not such a large difference.

That image comes from the Simulationcraft results for T30 single target sims.

No offence, but BM Hunter is probably the most boring spec I’ve ever tried - and I have tried all the available specs in this game at least once.

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uh oh. that limits you to down to 1/3rd of the classes left in the game!
(but seriously, i’m sorry to hear about your injury and hope you can find a class that’s easier on your hands)

You could do a frost mage, I think they’re pretty slow casters or a fire mage.

I find it fun managing barbed shot in M+ pulls /shrug. BM surely isn’t the strongest by any means but i can keep up or sometimes top the damage in the instance.

Before the legacy buff, it was fun soloing old content with it.

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Oh yeah, in terms of soloing stuff, Hunter is definitely king.

Trying to do legacy raids on my Warlock is such a pain because of their lack of spammable AoE and reliance on Soul Shards.

10/10 opinion.

The “rework” lost me!!! I can’t find a caster I like as much. I won’t play spriest until they fix it

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I was surprised too. Arms was going to be my suggestion.