I need a hug

Friends/family drama all day.

Log into WoW to escape and getting grouped with rage whisperers and toxic weirdos.

Just one of the days I guess.


Cheer up, tomorrow is only a day away!




Sorry things got squirrely today.

Better luck for tomorrow so for now just hang in there man.

I’d hug you but I would just as likely bite your face.

Zombie stuff.


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Rage whispers - what did you do !?
Well being on Tich doesn’t help[inside joke]

Sorry to hear, virtual hug, if that helps.
But shake it off, life is full of drama, tragedy and hurt…
‘Always look on the bright side of life’.

Keep your chin up and if anything, go solo some islands in bfa and take out your emotions there :slight_smile:

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sorry its a tricky day mate.
make yourself a nice coffee or tea, throw on a favourite movie and do some silly, fun stuff in game. Ive been helping out some newbie guilds in downing content lately or just doing some obscure pet farming or mount stuff.
Sometimes a chill boring night to appreciate simple things is great.
Try to ignore toxic people, they are just depressed in their own life and taking it out on others.


Don’t stab me in the back.

Thanks everyone. Feeling better already :slight_smile:

It started in comp stomp random bg. Simply said “wouldn’t it be cool if they improved the AI to make this even a slight challenge.”

Three people were like stupidest idea ever. You’re bad. Play rated if you want a real challenge. You suck, etc…

Normally not a big deal.

Just super emotionally drained from today.

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There are better days ahead :hugs:
Have a cute seal video

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Sending a big hug! I hope tomorrow is a better day for you my friend.

Well honestly, even if it normally isn’t a big deal… people just have a crappy attitude in this game especially. And people wonder why some want more solo content :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Glad you are feeling better, I know what it is like feeling super emotionally drained… that’s why it’s best to avoid that kinda stuff and kinda stick to yourself in that moment, do something that you can unwind and honestly, reaching out to someone you know will be there for you.

I’m also glad this thread didn’t devolve into something nasty. So that’s a plus!

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Have you forgotten the face of your father ?


But there’s something really cool about a bunch of people you’ve never met showing kindness.

Thanks again everyone :slightly_smiling_face:

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(gives Draulos a gentle hug of support and a cookie)


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I’ll give be you some non physical contact consolment.

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That’s really creepy. I don’t remember that scene.