Hey all,
So have played since 2005 - I am not hardcore but can kill a raid if invited. I am mostly DPS but have every class to 60. Tired of being solo - for real. I just left Microsoft as a data scientist while Activision / Blizzard was being acquired. I want Discord so I can talk to people. I also have ideas on how we predict engagements (open APIs). I am like the sweetest dude you will ever meet. I am ready. Not sure that class and role but get me on discord and I will prove my worth.
Hey Sushirice,
I’m recruiting a mage or ranged hunter DPS preferably for a Horde guild on Thrall named Assault. You seem like a down-to-earth person who would mesh well with our fun group
Reach out to me on BattleNet if you see yourself enjoying one of those classes. Would also consider an elemental shaman.
We raid Fri/Sat evenings from 7-10 p.m. PST (10p-1a EST) as we’re mostly comprised of career-oriented adults. As such, we know things come up in our busy lives that sometimes take us out of raid for a bit and are really understanding of those situations.
limbrok#1655 (lowercase L) ~
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You sound pretty promising and would be interested in having you! We use discord for everything, its our social and meme hub.
Our long winded spiel was written up here [A] Reborn and [H] Calamitous Intent of Dalaran 11/11 H are recruiting M DPS and Flexers! but the TL;DR:
We are a semi-hardcore guild. Focused almost exclusively on AOTC, which we get every tier that we want to get it (we dipped for Sylv).
Raid times are Tue/Thur from 7:30-10:30ish. (EST )
HMU if your interested in more details or want to chat.
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Looking for new players to fill out our raiding team. Currently we are 11/11N 5/11H pushing for AOTC
We are in need of the following.
R-DPS- Warlock/Shammy/Boomkin/Mage/Priest/Hunter
M-DPS- Warrior/Rogue/Shammy/Monk/Demon hunter/Death knight
Heals- Full atm but maybe in the future “If you can play an OS hit me up”
Tanks- Full atm but maybe in the future “If you can play an OS hit me up”
Any and all classes/specs are welcome!
We will be raiding tues/thur 8-11pm cst time with a 5-10min break around halfway through raid night
“Feel free to add any of the officers or join our wow community https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/R9kOyDnc3nO?region=US&faction=Alliance to chat or for more info LemLock#1686 Chetaria#11739 Ammunrae#1436”
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Thank you - sent you a note