I missed PVP templates?

I’ve had countless good fights when PvP gear matterec

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When you get similar types of players in simlar ilvls!

The templates would basically do this all the time.


As a PvPer 100% agree. Bring back templates!


No it wouldn’t. Being at the mercy of a bad template sucks. I’d much rather feel the effects of my gear that I put in time to get instead of catering to players who just couldn’t be bothered

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That’s why it would be a separate que O.o are you not getting it.

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I get what you’re saying. I just think it’s a bad idea. We have gotten ourselves in this mentality that we need to create a scenario for everyone that’s not having fun. Constantly splitting the player base and making changes that affects those who enjoyed the way things were need to stop.

I feel that Blizzard needs to have the understanding that not everyone is going to like every aspect of the game. And instead need to focus on creating and building a crowd of players that actually enjoy PvP and participate in PvP regularly.

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Or they can accomodate players that feel that way (sick of grinding gear and like the action) which may spike interest in esports. Trinket effects are eliminated and such easy to get in. I find overwatch does it good. Easy to play hard to master. Add more skill shots etc.

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Making changes for ESports is always bad. And like I said, it’s better to make content for your PvP crowd instead of trying to make changes to grab the interest of Overwatch players.

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I’m just saying it’s the esports had a format and gear baseline… why not have something similar in wow upfront?

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PvP templates were trash and removed character customization, but they DO make sense for rated pvp and rated pvp only.

For random BGs and wpvp we should go back to vendors and scaling pvp gear like in WoD (one of the only good things about that xpac). Having to constantly do unfun pve content to remain relevant in pvp content is stupid.

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I’ve given my reasons already. Not a fan of the template and never will be. WoD had a perfect system and that’s what they need to bring back

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Hear hear. WoD had the best PvP gearing system. One that didn’t have a giant barrier for entry for either side. If you had good PvE gear you could hold your own but PvP gear was the defacto gear for PvP.

It was good enough to entice PvE players to get the gear as a starting point keeping the roster fresh and queues short for instanced PvP.


It is more the player getting more skilled than the character.

Personally I see no problem with a rise in power as well as skill.

This. Do it blizzard. Seriously you guys need a PvP Dev team of actual pvpers. Not raiders who enjoy casual PvP :expressionless: