I missed cata will there be another round on anniversary?

Hoping to relive cata in the future because its my favorite expansion. I was gone due to work and the navy the past year so i missed all of it=/

I hope not.


It’s very difficult to say. Personally, I sincerely hope not if only because my love for WoW extends from vanilla to WotLK and simply cannot stretch any further. That said, I’d be delighted if Blizzard were to implement an era server for each expansion that way people could play what they enjoy. This is of course setting aside the concern (however great or small) of spreading the player base so incredibly thin that you’d be hard-pressed to find enough people on any given era server to be able to consistently engage with the content, specifically raids.

Blizzard likes to play it close to the vest (chest? - think I’m having a Mandella moment) so if that is something that is swimming around in the back of their minds, we’re not going to know about it any time soon I don’t think.

Edit: Hate to hear you missed out.

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yes, anniversary will most likely progress through all the expansions just like 2019 vanilla did :expressionless:

We can only hope not, if it does than Blizzard wasn’t listening to anything people were asking for.

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the target audience here loves progressing through expansions :expressionless: it is a very small minority who think fleeting expansions deserve some kind of permanent status

Well the freshers always want fresh, there is a large number that simply wants TBC.


Christ why would you wish such a thing upon us all, joking or otherwise. At least lie to me and tell me it’ll stop at WotLK and proceed no further.

Cata has been a blast.

I can see era Andy’s like Eyr not liking it because it’s most likely far too hard for them

Gotta do more than stand still and kill defenseless target dummies they call raid bosses

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I’m glad you think muh dance dance revolution raids are fun :expressionless: hope you gave deathwing a great manicure :clown_face: did he give you a good tip

I’m definitely glad there are some who enjoy it. I can’t say that I tried enough of it that I can really give an honest assessment of it but I did give it a go. Unfortunately that go was barely even putting my foot through the door.

Started a new character so I had reason to quest through the revamped areas. Didn’t enjoy a second of it and I don’t care for what they did to the talent system in the slightest. The changes to glyphs was kind of nice.

The one thing about Cataclysm that does have appeal to me, as I mentioned to Wafectus in another thread, was transmogrification and that’s just because I like collecting things. I opened up the screen for it and next thing I knew, around 6 hours had passed that I spent looking through all of the pages for the various armor and weapon types. Transmog is both a cause of and a scratch for my “gotta collect them all” itch.

Yea it beats fighting defenseless target dummies and pretending your raiding.

Raiding was a blast.

Dungeons are good.

Class specs and rotations are much much better

One dungeon that interested me though I never ran it is Grim Batol. You’ll most likely be able to answer this. Is it a “present-day” version of Grim Batol or is it a Caverns of Time spin on Grim Batol?

I would hope the latter because if I remember the lore correctly, they were using Alexstraza to breed and when she finally gets free, she goes on a complete rampage and annihilates everything with a pulse. Would be really neat to see that taking place.

what color nail polish did you use on deathwing :clown_face:

Oh no… Eyr doesn’t like what other people like…


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Eyr struggles on Rag and I’m killing Heroic Rag

Seriously go look up heroic rag fight in cata and tell me that doesn’t look fun, I know fun is subjective.

But I’m sorry having defenseless raid bosses and calling it fun is strange to me.

Might as well just go kill Hogger


there’s cata now. you havent missed it.

Nope not possible dont count on it we wont see anything like that actually :smirk: :face_with_peeking_eye: :kissing_smiling_eyes: :kissing_smiling_eyes: :blush: :face_with_peeking_eye: :crazy_face: :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

This is not on topic why are you in here beauty saloning it up like youre in a barbershop :unamused: :unamused: :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: :innocent: :sweat_smile: :grin: :kissing_closed_eyes: :hugs: :face_with_peeking_eye: :face_with_peeking_eye: