"I miss when WoW was just a game"


I don’t know this creator, and I don’t have much to add, this video just resonated with me and I wanted to share it.


Okay, I’ll add…

The video goes into how the classic version of the game felt more like a world to get immersed in where things existed just to be flavor.

I’m not saying these things aren’t still in retail, they are, but the speed of retail makes it feel like you can’t just enjoy the setting or explore or do RPG related things.


If you can’t summarize or talk about the video and it’s contents then why make a post about it? Not everyone wants to watch a five-30 min video lol


Because it succinctly explains some of the charm of classic vs retail and at the time I posted it everyone was still sitting around on the forums waiting for the realms to come back up?


@ work, can I get a TL;DW?


video is 6 minutes, relax.

It’s basically commenting that WoW lost the exploration part of the game, which I am neither agreeing or disagreeing with.

As there is stille aster eggs hidden if you do decide to explore around. It’s just not as big as vanilla was, so not so much to explore.

The casual bits, where the game felt like a game, and not a job.

Sand-boxiness that is.


So you have nothing to add, no opinion to share, just a YouTube video you want to advertise?


Classic is the past and you can’t recreate the actual experience.

Having said that, there is a different element of danger in classic in terms of health and definetely mana. You can’t go in to 5 mobs, constantly bubble and heal with no fear of running out of mana like you do in retail.

It does bring back that strategic element back to gameplay and being more cautious.


It was nice when the world had charm and appeal and wasn’t some marker you went to to complete some thing for x reward from a vendor. Maybe there was a place off to the side that told its story through environmental storytelling and had some hidden NPC’s.

It’s an rpg so it’d be nice if it felt more like it.


I can agree with this guy about the old gaming landscape, etc., but we’re just never getting that back.

Plus vanilla was pretty boring for me. Different strokes for different people, but when I ran out of quests and found myself grinding gorillas in Ungoro Crater I wasn’t having fun. I spent most my time playing Warcraft 3 back then because leveling was just a slog to me.

WoW feels more like a game to me now then it did back then.


Thing is though, if they actually focus on making new zones more interesting then just quest hubs, they can recreate some of it. But they need to do more then make 4/5 zones per expac for people that just wants an environment to explore and be at awe at.

One thing blizz has, and probably always have is a good art team they can use to create said environments.

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Its just a game to me, but everyone takes to seriously and compete against randos


It’s not a game? What the heck is it then?


When I tried classic out a long while back I can see the appeal to it for many.
Reality is once youve seen the world, the mystery is gone. …and you cant unsee what youve seen. The world has just gotten smaller and less mysterious.
I think in classic not having flight made the world feel ‘bigger’ and there was lots of space you had to go find still.
its like having that teacher or professor who seems to know everything about everything, then you realize one day you might have actually learned more than they have and theres nothing left to learn from them. I remember that being one of the saddest days of my life, knowing that a mentor had nothing left to offer.

There is a nostalgia for classic that you cant ever get back, part of it anyway…that part where the world was still huge and mysterious and you had all the time in the world to explore it.

The unknown is what appeals to most of us. the adventure we’re still looking to go out into world in.
Sooner or later it becomes a fly over state and that part of the appeal is gone forever.


The question then is probably either how much longer between expansions are we willing to wait or how much more are we willing to pay?

The dragon isles are absolutely massive, probably the most land mass ever added in an expansion.

There is a reason they wanted to nerf dragon riding speed when they made dynamic flight work in the old world.


We already pay more. The higher tier expansions and the increased baised game prices had increased. Most AAA games is 80$ now.

They can nerf it more for all I care, I dislike DR.

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I’ve been leveling a Horde and an Alliance prot pally in Wrath Classic. No guilds or groups, just slogging it on my own. To me, the biggest difference is the “Whoa!” factor that came from what seemed like amazing graphics and being new to MMOs alongside playing with friends.

Since neither version are new now, the differences between Retail and Classic seem to be much more about quality of life and fun factors, like mogging. The story telling really doesn’t seem to have gotten better or worse and the community is about the same, that is, jerks in the chat channels and some really nice folks to bump into in the open world.

What I miss about WoW back then has nothing to do with WoW but rather friends and all the crazy and Wile E. Coyote things we’d do together. Again, since I’ve become a solo player I can’t compare dungeons and raids newer than Legion. The main thing I noticed was that as we come forward in time, fighting bosses became more of a dance studio thing than any sense of “fighting” anyone. Again, that’s just me, I’m sure.

In short, I like retail for more options, better graphics and quality of life improvements. All the rest is consistently Blizz and what other players add and subtract from being in the world.


A quick Google says wow launched at $50 including a month of time in 04.

TWW, if you preorder, gives you 20 years of wow content + TWW + a 70 boost + 500 tendies, all for $50.

The higher tiers come with extra stuff for that additional cost, and they’re generally a better deal than if you had to buy that extra stuff off the shop.

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I’ve spent hours and hours exploring the nooks and crannies of retail and there is way more character and flavor to see in it than there ever was in classic.

The difference is you have to have enough self control to stop and enjoy the view every once in awhile.


Lucky for you, the game has a…