I miss the Pandaria portal room

Pecans or walnuts?

Hereā€™s a link to the riot thread that ensued when this was announced.

where did you used to travel to, which has become longer/more inconvenient to reach?

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World of portals has gotten pretty lame after all the years.

Itā€™s just loading screen after loading screen cycling through them.

Is what it is for a 17 year old game I guess.

My favorite is in the org portal room they hve a spot up top that has no portal but instead they put portals downstairs due to lack of room above. I mean why not move shatt back up top.

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Even though I have a Dalaran hearthstone that I use pretty frequently, and as a monk I have a teleport ability to my Class Order Hall, which has a portal to Dalaran, I do hate that the Orgrimmar portal takes you toā€¦ Azsuna. Like. Why.

And the Pandaria portal takes you to the Jade Forest. Itā€™s just madness to me!

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Yea there was uproar over the pandaria change. i think it was because of the nzoth invasion change

The azuna change is because the northrend dal portal and how ppl are dumb and would complain there shouldnt be two portals to the same place. Imo they shoulda put northrend port to crystal song where the port up to dal is and put the legion one to actual dal

Which also why they havenā€™t fixed the scaling problem with some of the older content - they donā€™t really want us to do it.


I remember this post from a while back, which earned Bornakk a lot of guff.

I am not a fan of removing portals in older content. To me, itā€™s like the web design motto of, ā€œa user shouldnā€™t have to click more than three times to get where they are going.ā€ Just put portal rooms in all major cities, and even create a new celestial location, with a collection of all portals from everywhere. I mean, how do you even portal to Exodar, Thunder Bluff, Silithus, Nazjatar, unless you are in very specific locations?

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Like what? I knocked out most of my old rep farming in WoD.

All of my Pandaria raids, Kara are the main areas that I used to travel to. And I know youā€™re going to say, "just use blasted landsā€¦ well, they never fixed that portal guy so he is still missing on some characters.

Maybe I can help you. Consider all players, at all levels (like devs do). Where do they want to go? Everywhere! Any assumption is BIASED. Devs avoid that kinds of bias.

So make it possible to get to the main portal area (the capital city in BFA, and the capital city in the world) and put a portal room there.

What a wonderful design! No more trying to remember what city has a portal to where. Theyā€™re all in one place! What an improvement!

i agreeā€¦ i set all my characters hearthstones to the valeā€¦ just in time for them to remove the portals. now i just keep setting them there out of habit, because hey, the vale feels/felt like a high-level zone, and who wouldā€™nt want to be set-up in a high-level zone?

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Also, if you arenā€™t setting your hearth to the Vale, and youā€™re using the Pandaria portals, you are being dropped miles from your ideal location. Itā€™s the most inconvenient portal out there.

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port to stranglethorn?
port to stonard?