I miss the Nesingwary quest hubs

How about y’all?


They felt like they were more fun and had more personality than most of this centaur stuff.


Isn’t there one in the Azure Span? You can even meet him while he’s traveling around to get quests.

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It’s not the same. It spends more time hinting how what you did before was “bad”. And how retired Hemet Sr is now “good”.

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I certainly don’t miss it.

Vanilla: “Collect 50 pages in Stranglegank”

BC: “Kill 30 of these, 30 of those, 30 of that” “Oh you’re done? Kill 30 more of these, 30 more of that, 30 more of those” “Now kill 3 elites”

Wrath: “Just kill a bunch of wildlife until I tell you to stop”

Legion: “Just kill a bunch of wildlife until I tell you to stop, and train this guy too yah?”

Dragonflight: “Kill these few rares, one at a time, and meet up halfway across the zone yah?”


I still have nightmares about the original Green Hills of Stranglethorn quest before they nerfed it in Cata. And then the endless quests in OL Nagrand and Sholazar… I don’t miss Nessingwary hubs.

Edit to add: OP, your forum avatar is doing that thing the only gnome avatars do! :open_mouth:


You obviously played on a PvP server back in the day :slight_smile:


Hunting big game is bad now I guess cuz hurting aminals = bad.

Sorry to pull this card cuz i’m sure the thread will devolve into insults but, i’m a vegetarian irl because i couldn’t justify killing animals just because i liked steak and burgers so much and frankly, idgaf if npcs, or other people eat meat. My morals are my own and seeing nessingwary suddenly stop wanting to murder animals did come across as a rather weird thing to me.

Sorry if i just derailed the thread but i felt like some context on my own personal values and how i don’t care if games portray something opposite to them seemed a bit relevant.


I miss during Classic people in chat actually were selling STV pages.

At least pre phase 2 wasn’t so bad with ganking

:ocean: :mountain: :ocean: :mountain:

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A long tradition that just seemed to go poof. Not much different quest wise but when you saw him, you knew there was about to be some good experience and reward. And I’m sure the lore lovers probably enjoyed it.

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My first death in wow was because of him, he told me to go kill some tiger, turns out it was elite tiger named banglasomething.


I enjoyed every second of those.

I use to make some nice bank off those pages…back in the day.

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I remember that critter

Think many of us did.