I miss the faction rivalry

Case in point: The Dragonscale Expedition NPC’s.

They went and made different Alliance & Horde members of each.

But the only Horde NPC’s that give world quest dialogue are the Blood Elf and the Nightborn Elf.

The only appearance of the Vulpera has been to stand at the entrance of the vaults in the 10.0.5 area.

The Orc hasn’t done anything at all.

Now we have new NPC’s for Caverns… or, rather, we have Another Human. Who the hell is that guy, anyway? He just popped up out of nowhere and now is the source of everything.


For some, this would mean that the alliance is the evil factoin. Ever think that your experience is yours alone?

The thing about the Horde is there are technically 2 hordes among the players, there are those like me that take more the “we won’t fight alliance except to defend our lands and homes from them or in self defense” and then there are those that joined thinking the Horde of WoW was the same as the one in WC2.

Just like I would figure alliance has those that want to take the war to the horde and do to the horde what the horde was done to alliance but there are also those that will at least call a cease fire if fighting a common enemy.

You want me, a Tauren/Blood Elf/Pandaren/Vulpera/Nightborn/Mag’har/Znadalari player to think the Horde is evil? Prove, lore wise,. that they still follow Gul’dan and the shadow council.

As long as there are only the 2 major factions, there can’t be a pure good or pure evil faction, as there will be good and evil members in both. However, if they came up with w workable 3rd, for Horde that don’t want to be part of the evil doings and for allaince that get sick of being the white knights, then that would free up the factions to take more a good vs evil with those that just want to do what is right/best for azeroth.

One final note: I am one that sees the Horde as more the dark gray faction, more apt to do evil things in the name of the greater good or to beat an enemy. The alliance is more the light gray, trying to avoid doing evil/darker things to win. To put it another way, if the factions were super hero teams, Horde woudl be Marvel (Hulk, Capt. America, Iron Man, etc) where as Allaince would be DC (superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, , etc).

Side quest chain in Azure Span, more or less helping him find things and test his inventions while dealing with the Sundered Flame.

Yeah but its really diverse like this. I mean, just LOOK at that elf!

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unpopular opinion but i felt like factions were a problem from the get go but the intentions when wow was born were not bad intentions, at that time I think factions vs factions was innovative WHEN its healthy, which it was for awhile, but when numbers became to dwindle and factions hopping over to more populated servers of there desired alliance or horde, it essentially created population imbalance and in some cases Blizzard had to pull the emergency lever in such scenarios and let people have free server transfers, the other reason we got free server transfers was because sometimes servers got incredibly packed this was the case in classic twotlk in servers I was in like grobbulus. faction divides got so bad that they introduced sharding to combine servers with other servers, IF said servers were too small, blizzard would just shard them into a bigger server, share the same space. I am not sure about this one but I think Q times varried in battlegrounds depending on what faction you were on, so if you were an alliance on a dominated alliance server with little to no horde the bg q times were brutal. I remember making a horde in a dominant alliance server and the Qs were faster than me Quing on my ally, I feel like a lot of this would be avoided if we had a factionless WoW game but that is the beauty of what WoW was originally. Pick a side.

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I think thats actually an excellent idea, but do you think it will help sell the new raid?

The war part if Warcraft. The lore is to disney movie atm

I get the feeling that DF was kinda rushed out to make-up-for/stem-the-damage-of Shadowlands.

With any luck, the next expansion might allow them the time to give both factions their own progression paths, even if it does eventually result in them ending up facing the same big bad/s.


I ask this honestly how do you expect them to artificially extend tension between the factions after 15 years of content, years in-universe as well? Enough time has passed in canon that you can have a player character who was born when WoW started and they’d be old enough to be an adventurer. People get used to things that are around them. Individuals might still dislike the other side but on a large scale, there really isn’t the faction war in WoW anymore. Attempts to keep it going get us things like BFA and the tree being burned and random characters being evil just because to keep things going.

Honestly I’d like to see some storylines of characters who aren’t entirely sure about the factions cooperating so much and maybe exploring that.

Though a good way to be rivals would be, just that. Make Horde and Alliance try to be one-upping the other without the killing each other hostility. If you talk to the dracthyr npcs who sided with Horde and Alliance, they don’t take the war seriously. If you ask Azurethal what he’d do if they went to war again he just jokes that we’d be bested by the better dracthyr.

The Tauren explicity demonstrate the Horde is not evil, let alone the reformations Thrall and Vol’jin brought to the Orcs and Trolls.

This is not Doomhammer’s Horde.

WC3 was about working together

its always been about that


Well, it is the Horde Doomhammer started in the internment camp period, there is a reason Hammerfall got its name after all (Doomhammer fell there while working with Thrall to free the orcs from the camps). Keep in mind though, Doomhammer would have put all warlocks, including Gul’dan, to the blade if Gul;dan did not create the first gen death knights (orc warlock souls in the bodies of fallen knights of Stormwind).

In essence it can be considered Doomhammers Horde, in the sense it is possibly what Doomhammer wanted the Horde to be, but it is not Blackhand’s Horde.

Well yea and I have always believed that if Blizzard had indeed continued on their old path to ding the right things and gaining subs, then we would be at over 20 million+ subs. And yes subs are different from MUA and DUA reports. 20 million subs would be closer to well over a hundred million or so players with those MUA reports so then we would have had 4 factions then. So if we had more subs we would have the 4 factions again most likely.

I would like WoW to tell more stories based on the Racial Factions and Cities themselves rather than just Horde vs Alliance big faction conflict.

Because let’s face it, they do HvA again and it is just gonna end up being Siege of Orgrimmar Part 3. Because Blizzard is seemingly incapable or unwilling to do a Faction conflict where the Horde aren’t the overwhelming Villains.

Not sure we need that yet again.

They’d be doing that regardless of faction conflict being an active part of the story. It would just mean we get even less developed main story content instead.

Perfect example of my point is the Dracthyr. They’re not even related to the factions in any way and they still got half the work put in while people eat it up. Only one model when other races get two for male/female, incomplete transmog, lacking visage forms, the dps spec it launched with is the most simplistic one we’ve probably ever had, and they had to launch it without all of its intended specs(the lore reason obviously just having been cooked up to excuse the delay), and lacking other class options they should logically have access to.

Modern Blizzard is just lazy and/or devoting time and resources to stuff that doesn’t deserve the attention, like the ugly scale patterns on dracthyr visages or the all class all race nonsense.

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No this is World of Peacecraft.

It actually did cause some issues during BlizzCon where Horde and Alliance players would butt heads IRL.

Conflicts have existed for longer than 15 years in real life. Conflicts have existed for longer than 15 years in long-running fiction. None of this is impossible. It takes dedicated writers, a healthy work environment, and an efficient development pipeline.


No. Doomhammer was bent on the destruction and subjugation of the Alliance. This Horde does not exist to destroy the Alliance, this Horde exists to protect its member races and provide for those in need where the Horde has influence. Doomhammer laid the foundation, but Thrall’s Horde is entirely his own, and the current Horde is an extension of that.

That is also the problem with trying to force the faction conflict. It’s inauthentic because it doesn’t show the growth both sides have experienced. The Alliance and Horde are both struggling with purposes they weren’t initially made for; the Horde transitioning to peace and sustainable nationbuilding, and the Alliance with negotiating with an entity it was originally created to destroy. Just dumping relations back to war means reversing the progress both sides have made and setting the story back to an earlier, already-explored point.

That’s why nobody likes the faction conflict.

In the warcraft 2 days, sure, but that is why I did state the timeframe of the internment camps. Doomhammer laid the foundation, with Thrall, and fought to enable that foundation to be built on. It is just one of those splitting hair deals as some look to the fact that Doomhammer started/laid the foundation for Thrall to pick up after his death.

Mainly read Lord of the Clans and see why some might say it is Doomhammer’s Horde, even though Thrall took it farther then Doomhammer likely expected or thought it could be taken.

This is another reason why the faction conflict stories fall flat, some of the heroes of Blackhand/Doomhammer’s Horde are also heroes of Doomhammer/Thrall’s Horde because of how they ended yet some only see the evil or bad they did to the alliance:

Doomhammer: fell to humans at Hammerfall while trying to free the orcs from the camps
Grom Hellscream: died after slaying Mannoroth

Saurfang served in both hordes.

So in this case, the faction conflict does not just not show the growth the sides, as a whole, have made but also how individual characters within the factions have grown or why, even if they did bad/evil in the past, they are considered heroes to their respective faction.