Blood Elf Shadowpriests aren't canon

This is called bad writing. If we’re going to shy away from the core fantasy of Warcraft because of Blizzard’s past failures, then what does that say about the state of the setting, and the people controlling its future? If we’re going to let past mistakes dictate the future of the story, then what will be left to write about?

Providing a solid, well-balanced faction rivalry is not impossible in fiction, even in multiplayer fiction. If these writers lack the talent or desire to deliver on such a basic premise then they should quit their jobs.

We also need to keep in mind that past faction-war stories were tainted by the toxic work environment. In BFA this became incredibly obvious. The devs were literally fighting behind the scenes for control of the franchise during a crucial moment in the story, and they all collectively dropped the ball.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: