I miss the Alliance War

I’d also like to throw in that a faction war should be literally impossible when one side (the Alliance) has god like leaders on their side. The Hordes leaders consist mainly of warriors of some type while there’s like 2 who actually have some real power. Velen, Anduin/Turalyon, Alleria, Tyrande, Jaina, you get the idea. But the biggest offender was Malfurion. In game Malfurion is a little female dog, book Malfurion could paint all of Azeroth red with Horde blood…two coats.

It just makes the Faction war seem stupid when you have knowledge that at any point in time those leaders could just wipe out all of the Horde in an instant yet we have to pretend like we’re in an actual struggle.

World of Friendcraft


i don’t… i’m tired of the constant plot holes and lore nonsense just for the sake to keep a double faction feature within the game.

Sylvanas happened; the whole ya’ll are nothing and setting the stage for exposing how our honor meant nothing, our wars meant nothing, and all because she objected to death not giving her or any of us a choice in life and we are framed in a prison.

She almost broke the fourth wall; however, the heroes thwarted the Mal’Ganis .Order66 and we decided she need to be reformatted with the Uther OS update and the jailer. malware .com got deleted before he Del C:/Azeroth

The Uther update came with a dragon botnet however, so here we are

:dragon: :ocean: :ocean: :dragon: