I miss the Alliance War

I just miss the days when it was Horde vs Allaince. Constantly fighting, warring.

Yea I know the story is currently moved past that, and without a ‘warchief’ it’s just not gonna happen. Probably.

But the days of Nazgrim and questing areas that revolve AROUND the Horde fighting Alliance would be cool to see again.


Every “war” between the Alliance and Horde in WoW had to be contrived to work and had poor motivations on both sides. Add to that the fact that Alliance won every one of them because the options were “Alliance win and respectfully offer a truce” or “Horde win and commit genocide”, then it becomes clear why they moved away from it.


No i mean like… remember in Wrath? Grizzly hills alliance war, and Howling Fjord alliance war.

Not necessarily an expansion focused around it. I mean just… having it in the background where they’re fighting. Like Stormheim alliance vs horde.


Thrall’s Horde was fighting for survival with unlikely/unexpected allies. Garrosh’s War began due to resources after invading Ashenvale. Sylvanas’ started out as a means to tie the Horde to the Forsaken by committing genocide on the Night Elves. (story turned to poop later)

All of the wars had motivations that didn’t start out with whacky cartoon villain antics. Unfortunately Garrosh and Sylvanas’ wars did.


Both of those, narrative-wise, was started by a large scale questline that was supposed to be the jump off point for another war.

Which while it led to some interesting stuff, was very hamfisted and stupid considering the situation everyone was currently in (fighting an undead army that raises the dead of the fallen…so clearly the best option is to kill the other faction to provide the Scourge with more bodies).

The Faction War only worked when it was background noise that could easily be ignored. It always went up in flames (ha) once it became a focus.


Yeah the faction war doesn’t really work when both sides have competent leaders. Blizzard always had to make one side or the other (typically Horde) be evil for the sake of keeping a war going.

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By that logic the Horde should have won a long time ago.


When has the Horde ever had compitent leaders?

Thrall → Ran away to be Green Jesus and sucked at is so he ran away to Nagrand.

Garrosh - > I liked him personally but he was only good for fighting.

Vol’jin → Did nothing, then made the worst person ever Warchief

Sylvanas → LOL


Something, something, friendship and rainbows. Something, something, complete.


Thrall was the closest competent leader the Horde had. I would argue for Garrosh, but the way he ended was just poor writing.

When Varian came back, he was an automatic check to the Horde, specifically Garrosh and Sylvanas. He nearly killed Garrosh but the Kor’kron forced Garrosh to run in Ashenvale.

Had Garrosh been Warchief before Varian came back, then that might have been a different story. Just all depends on how the writing would have gone, but the Horde’s usual main culprit to thwarting the Alliance was plague bombing or bombing in general. That’s about it.

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Why no BfA memories in the nostalgia trip?

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Stormheim was horrible. Genn losing focus on the real issue to target Sylvanas while Sylvanas trying to make an enemy out of the biggest help we could have to fight the legion.

There is no good story for faction wars.

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Have we really reached the point that people are capable of being nostalgic for BFA? Or is SL and Dragonflop just so bad BFA was rosy by comparison?

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I would have liked to see some sort of player agency in the faction war story. The way WoW is built (and the way they tell their stories) isn’t conducive to this, but I feel like my characters needed a way to opt-out of things like being party to a manabomb or burning Teldrassil.

Yes, its just a game, but I wasn’t comfortable with my characters being guilty-by-association either.


He congratulated you with your level 3 garrison


Queue up for a BG or turn on Warmode.

Garrosh jobbed a lot. I’m not really sure why they set him up to be a raid boss when he was all bluster. He got BTFO by Varian, Cairne, and even some random Quillboar. I think the only guy he won against was Taran Zhu, who was himself kind of a jobber.

You can make an alt and redo BFA.

Have fun.

EQ2 has (had? It’s been a loooong while since I played it) a way to basically defect to the other side. I wish WoW had something like that and/or a neutral faction anyone could switch to. Or simply like EQ1 had it where every race could work to become liked by any other race and walk into their faction cities. You got to choose. Learn their language, do rep work, etc…

Over the years there have been many stories that I don’t feel my characters would agree with simply because of faction.

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There was a missed opporunity for the seven year timeskip away from Azeroth to create a vague conflict. Still bothersome the long timeskip offered nothing changing.

He’s still kicking.