Classic Brill really is more interesting than it’s modern version.
It’s in the heart of Forsaken territory and despite having derelict exteriors every building’s interior has been maintained. Which yes was a bit lazy design wise but it said something interesting about the Forsaken. IE that they’d go back to typical human creature comforts when given the chance.
Cata Brill is just reuses of the same Forsaken buildings first seen in Wrath. And that was a war front. This was an expeditionary force setting up foward operating bases in enemy territory. So it makes sense there’s little in the way of a town hall or local tavern.
But then Cata just replaced Brill’s buildings with those existing ones. And now that could make thematic sense as Sylvanas saw the Forsaken as merely her bulwark against the infinite. Until it turned out she was already in cahoots with the mastermind of the Hell she saw. Until it turned out in a loyalist Forsaken Heritage questline she actually did care UwU.
But either way it doesn’t make sense anymore. I’m really hoping if we get a revisit we get a look at what civilian Forsaken infrastructure looks like.
They have the capacity to drink, make merriment and sleep. And furthermore they have no shortage of paying wandering adventurers from allies that decidedly enjoy doing so. So it’s weird Cata Brill resembles a military outpost rather than a town.
That works for Tarren Mill, Andorhal and the Sepulcher but Brill should be an illustration of what the living dead get up to when they’re at rest.