We know that BM has barrage but most hunters like myself prefer playing MM. That is fine.
We get that you wanted to “reimagine” MM hunter as a “petless” spec. That is also fine. But since you changed your mind and gave MM the option to still summon their pets which is great, it would really be nice if you could put barrage back into the MM talent tree.
You could put Barrage back and just have it share a choice node with “Lock and Load”.
Remember, these huge talent overhauls were to give players choices to play their way, except you took away barrage which was a huge staple for the players that did everything this game has to offer.
M+ and Raid would never see Barrage on our action bars, but for players like myself that farms mats, hunts rares, attains every achievement to my best capability, does legacy content, transmog, mount, pet, toy farming and delves, barrage is huge for us to gather up mobs with md onto pet and aoe down.
While i continue to md to pet and arcane shot 1 mob at a time, MM has lost its spark imo. Would really love to see barrage returned.
@Silissia - thanks for posting this topic - I was thinking the same thing. I miss barrage! Very handy in delves and farming old content for mounts.
Overall, I’m not seeing any improvement to MM since the patch. Lost barrage, lost pet abilities, rotation is not as smooth. I guess gained a better Lunar Storm?!?
You know what I remember about Barrage? Hunters pulling entire train cars full of trash in Grimrail Depot and then outright refusing to stop when politely asked to stop doing it.
Well, actually, it completely refutes what you wrote, which was
It’s been pretty good in group content. Way better than previous. The loss of Barrage and Pet makes zero impact on group content. And the rotation for MM is way way smoother now.
Unless of course, you are doing a “make your own talent choice” and then picking a whole bunch of difficult to use talents. Barrage wasn’t even in any recommended guides for Mythic last season. Tho, I dunno about raids.
There are always the bad people in every class. Had frost mages frozen orb pull and druids star fall do the same. they could have fixed it they just chose to remove it instead of fix it.