I Miss Legion

The effort that went into class halls alone is way ahead of anything done in bfa. Bfa everything seems half done.


Legion was great. It transformed the way i played wow: more alts, more classes/specs, started rated pvp, really got into the lore and finally started regular raiding. I really enjoyed the orderhall campaigns too.
BFA has been fun. I wont miss it as nearly as much as legion.
As someone said, with the revamped leveling experience u can play the xpacs again (bit different but still better than leveling now).

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I would like to counter your opinion, and say that Legion was the only expansion that ever made me unsubscribe. I played the “If I don’t read it, it won’t happen.” with the upcoming changes.
Then they came.

I never understand how people could play through TOGC but unsub because of Legion, the third best expansion in the game. Different strokes I suppose.

What do you mean by TOGC?

https:// wow.gamepedia .com/Patch_3.2.0

Side-note, I really hate that this forum throws a fit about posting links.

I don’t. I miss WoD though. No borrowed power and classes actually felt like classes.

WoD felt good.


Blackrock Foundry was a lot of fun.

I wonder what a different timeline would look like where we got Farahlon, the Shatt raid, M+ and Emissaries during WoD, etc. WoD is the biggest disappointment because of all the missed potential.

Would’ve been one of the best xpacs. The only reason it flopped was because there was nothing to do outside of raiding and PvP’ing. And the occasional challenge mode dungeon.

Was Legion really that good with the artifacts still working?

Depends on who you ask.

You can call it a meme, but it doesn’t make it invalid.

Legion only has the trees to fill, faster grinding, and bested on the artifacts in the lore. But it’s hardly any better then BFA’s imo.

Your trying to invalidate people’s criticisms by saying this. :roll_eyes:

Because it’s subjective on what you like?

And you can say something is the best or something is the worst. Or stretch it and say it’s objectionably worst or best. But at the end of the day, it’s still up to the person so think whether or not he subjectively likes or hates it.

To be honest, i find Legion’s story disappointing and it has a lot of missed potential. Especially the Pre-Patch invasions. those are awesome and actually felt like invasions. I don’t know why they can’t continue this for the entirety of legion instead of legion assaults.

Use the tilde keys, like this. Your not prohibited from posting links, your just prohibited from the normal method of posting links.

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The biggest reason why borrowed power is whined about is because Artifacts gave us these shiny new things and specs were built around having these artifacts, and then at the end of the expansion they yanked the artifacts away. A lot of specs have gaps in their kit that were never filled by anything in BFA to this day.

I am. Just like people thought AQ40 was going to be hard. Feelings and fact get mixed up sometimes. BFA is too recent for many people who played through the whole expansion to make judgements about the mechanics of it beyond saying it felt horrible (which is a totally valid feeling to have) because their feelings cloud their judgement.

Sure, but it will never boggle my mind when people go so against the grain. Well, it would boggle my mind if I thought they were being 100% genuine.

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I miss Argus floating in the skybox, it was so menancing and alive at the same time. Wish there were a toy or something to keep it there.

No. Classic was, actually.



I hate to be a negative Nancy. But Why does Yesuna have to ruin every single thread with non-advice?

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I wasn’t aware anyone in this thread was asking for advice. Feel free to do the adult thing and skip over what I type if it bothers you, unless you enjoy dancing on the lines of breaking the forum CoC rules.

I can’t say about anyone else, but i have thoroughly enjoyed bfa, even more so than legion, maybe cuz i had much more free time during bfa than legion? But i dunno , i simply have no complaints. No matter what anyone says, i’ve had my fun.

Unfortunately I’m too busy farming Echoes and Visions for the thing I need that Mother won’t have for sale until 3 weeks from now to enjoy it ATM.

Maybe that just speaks for the bigger problem that borrowed power is temporary, and doesn’t just apply to Legion, but BFA and possibly Shadowlands?

To be fair, private servers has existed for years and years on end, so i don’t know where the “AQ40 is gonna be hard” thing either. But if they wish to think that, let them do that.

So an example of a feeling based argument would be calling something a meme?

People who wants an opinion of BFA as an expansion can at any point of the expansion.

Well if were gonna go this route, for the sake of consistency, it has to be applied to people who said the mechanics felt good too.

I never understood that. Like it’s problem to say bad things about a thing, but it’s just fine and dandy to say good things about it? It’s like with Early access games; you say good things, nobody has a problem with it, but you say something bad or want to critique it, all the sudden people will say to you “but it’s in early access!” but never once applied this to the other side, just for consistency.

What makes you think their being disingeniune when they dislike something you like and like something you dislike? Or something you have decided it’s the best or worst based on… something? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If somebody doesn’t like Legion, they just don’t like legion. If somebody likes WoD, they like WoD. And so on. People think what they want, and like.