Hey, everyone!
I miss this legendary ability and it’s icon.
Would you like it back?
For example, it will deal 200% Slam’s damage, cost the same rage amount and also attacks with half time of next auto-attack’s swing (hidden timer 1.8 sec (haste affects this indicator) with Two-Handed wepon that has basic 3.6 sec speed), cast Slam will cancel this attack.
Also, all talents and effects that increase Slam’s damage will affect Heroic Strike.
What do you think?
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No, heroic strike needs to stay dead.
Go play classic if you want it back.
Don’t tell me what to do.
The “on next auto” needs to stay dead. Unless they rework annihilator into something using heroic strike as the auto attack damage (ala devastator).
Frankly, we have 2 completely dead capstones (Onslaught and OF), and annihilator was a welcome play style for some. Would be nice to see some kind of return, and heroic strike would be a fun way to do it.
Honestly I don’t really miss heroic strike as it was before it left the game.
Even when I started playing in Wrath, heroic strike was just a button to press that did extra damage on your next white swing and didn’t really have any initial payoff for it other than seeing your numbers go up.
When Heroic Strike got moved to a direct damage attack now no longer chained to your next auto attack swing it’s design was somewhat nicer, but it was still with it’s flaws.
Gameplay stagnated to mostly just using it within the Colossus Smash window for all specs and then ignoring it outside of it, it was pressed 4-5 times every 20s after you sent the CS using it outside of there unless you were going to cap rage was a dps loss and didn’t really bring much variability to the gameplay.
WoD design for both Arms and Fury didn’t suffer from Heroic Strike’s removal, it suffered moreso from the prune which decimated any sort of gameplay variation between ST to AoE for Arms which didn’t come into it’s own until the final raid of the xpac, Fury’s design post Heroic strike removal was pretty fun in Wild Strikes but this got removed with legion’s redesign which started the Fury as we know it now.
Protection? Honestly they’re all the better for Heroic Strike’s removal too, it was becoming degenerate gameplay especially with a talent of theirs that reduced the rage cost per devastate cast that reduced more per stack and worked like the previous mongoose bite mechanic which was just ridiculous spam.
The whole class now gameplay wise is much better off without it.
“They’re giving us back Annihilator, they’re also working on giving us back Gladiator Stance!” -Sent from a parallel universe where Blizzard likes fun things