I miss Garrosh

Why, actually yes. This sounds like a fun ride.


Don’t be disingenuous. Develop over the course of the game. Pretty clear what I have meant this entire time. Be better come on.

After all non-Orc races were kicked from ORG yes.

If they were a flavor of Orc or could be subjugated yes.


“almost” doesn’t count.

That’s a big hand wave to gloss over him rage crying over pretty much everything, fragmenting the horde, going on genocidal rampages against previous allies, bombing cities in peace time, and bonding with a Sha.
And still losing.
Then going to prevent his dad from drinking blood only to have pretty much the same outcome and FURTHER be disgraced due to it.
He’s a consistent failure who couldn’t understand how to maintain power or run more than a ragtag army of maniacs.

Garrosh is played out and done. I can guarantee if they reintroduce him or a facsimile of him, you all would hate it.


Honestly if blizz wanted to “redo” the Grom story with Garrosh and stuff, they shoulda fully embraced it

The blackrock spire dungeon remake with Zaela shoulda involved Thrall, after you kill her you find an orc infant and thralls all like “Oh no…”

BOOM Garrosh Zaela had a kid, when Thrall goes to find Garrosh in Nagrand he could be all like

“Don’t repeat your fathers mistakes, think about your son”

Then Garrosh would be like “oh no what am I doing” BOOM, we keep Garrosh and have better story line for it


I too wish the writing was better.


Biggest waste ever imo.

Vol’Jin could have, would have, and should have been the best Warchief.

Absolute disaster wiping him off the map the way they did, as early as they did.


We all do

Cuz… yea


Literally wouldn’t be having this back and forth if Blizz could develop characters in game and not via books only (maybe?)

I mean that for more than Garrosh. Like Anduin’s whole deal would be much more relatable if we had anything in-between SL and now other than “He was away being sad by himself.” In game for us to interact with.

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I fought along side Garrosh Hellscream. Granted he was a bit tightly wound but one thing I’ll say for him. Unlike many other generals, in battle he always had your back.


Either the Horde gets a new Warchief, or the Horde start look for another faction join.
Join the Alliance? Not going to happen. There is no Red Alliance. The Horde players needs to take that nonsense out of their heads.


Down with Friendscraft. More Warcraft


I dont, they ruined the character beyond redemption. Just move on.

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I get that alot of people are not goin to like him and that fine not saying your have to and I not looking for god tier writing or story telling I mean this is wow even back in there old warcraft days the storying wasn’t the best but it was entertaining at least and keep my attention.

Garrosh was just the right guy for the horde at the time and brought that vigor, that spice to the horde and yea you might get that I’m the bad guy vide but I don’t see that to be a problem I mean for the most part of warcraft history the horde is usually seen as the bed guy so we should just own up to that.

when I first started the game I knew that being horde you are more or less playing the bad guy faction, of the main race pick for the horde beside I would say the taruens were doing some evil stuff and at least shady things if you lookin into what the Blood elves were doin when they were introduce in bc they did alot of evil thing , not as bad as the forsaken but kinda close.


No “we” don’t He was a detestable buffoon that fractured the Horde, not caring about the other races, or even his own. A feeble-minded hulk with no redeeming qualities. In death, he’s only marginally more rotten than he was in life.


Generic elf poster response, lmao


Another non-thinker. It’s no wonder you’re a Garrosh fan.


Don’t act so reddit


Go on, keep proving me right.


Let me guess, you’re a Calia Menethil fan


No, but keep guessing if your life is that empty.


Why even post your melodramatic hatred of a quintessential Orc then, just move along elf