That is called character development done right.
Went on to be one of the Hordes greatest conquerors.
That is called character development done right.
Went on to be one of the Hordes greatest conquerors.
I want to resurrect Garrosh to do something about these Earthen…
As a life long Hulk fan, with a half sleeve Hulk Tattoo to prove it, nobody ever read the comics, watched the show/movies for Bruce Banner. The draw was always “Hulk Smash” and if possible, no Banner at all.
and he did nothing to try and reclaim it, despite being given a leadership position from Thrall in outland and given numerous chances to fix his bloodlines shame.
There was no development, he never changed.
He went from crying whiney to rage crying and whiney. He’s current Anduin but green and mad.
Failures, one of the hordes greatest failures considering he legit fragmented the horde for an entire expansion.
Nothing he did stuck outside of the numerous unprompted war crimes he committed.
Puny Banner weak!!
Garrosh despite how much of a prick he was at least brought some hype. Love him or hate him, at least you felt something about him as opposed to the characters in the last few expansions who just kinda…exist. I think theres a very good reason garroshes “frick you. i did nothing wrong, and i’d do it again” speech in shadowlands was seen as a hype moment.
What did you want him to do early on?
The mag’har were a very small population, not enough to go fight back all the fel orcs and demons, the elder was leading the clan anyway
And then he had the Mag’har join the horde full on later, and even brought in the blackrock and dragonmaw orcs, actually uniting all the orc clans once again
Lol you obviously missed the entirety of WotLK then I guess
Agree to disagree, Orgrimmar for example would still be a dustbowl without him
Meh, hate on him all you want, he was a fantastic character and infinitely less cringe than Anduin
I still laugh at the now deleted clever tongue line
Garrosh had the charm of headless chicken running into brick walls.
Garrosh was the last time the Horde had a true unapologetic villain who didn’t get or need a redemption arc or a hug to make him nice. Back when writers weren’t afraid to make a real villain
Love him or hate him, Garrosh was a ‘do-er’.
He got a lot done.
Honestly, looking back, he might’ve done more for the Horde than any other character, even if he ended up going down a dark path later.
Under Garrosh we got:
-Orgrimmar rebuilt.
-Almost the entirety of Kalimdor under Horde control
-The banning of plague weaponry, which Sylvanas ignored and deployed anyway, which lead to Gilneas falling for Alliance.
-Better Horde technology through intimidating Goblins.
-MoP story as a whole, from the Horde-side.
The only other character I can think of that got that amount of stuff done, is Thrall. And he’s always either retiring or doing nothing with himself, lol.
Yeah, Horde needs a leader that’s going out and doing stuff.
I certainly get people don’t like Anduin, but it’s weird we’re all hanging with these Alliance characters and there’s nary a Horde to be seen.
11.1 changes that a bit though, I think it’s gonna be the other way around for a bit.
Let’s see how much Alliance like trailing Gazlowe and friends for an entire patch lol.
Also, the Horde is best when it’s unapologetic in what it wants to be.
That’s why I play Forsaken.
None of this goody-two-shoes, misunderstood “good” crap. Evil, and owning it lol.
It’s why nobody likes Calia Menethil.
They’ve already been crying about horde favoritism
Like the game hasn’t been the alliance show since legion
I mean, he also beat up a child and Kung Fu Panda, as well as beating up Thrall one and a half times, so that’s a few more 1v1s he did.
Develop as a character?
Which tbf should have been enough to warrant overlooking his fathers past actions, but writing did it differently in the end. It wasn’t though and he refused to work towards letting that chip on his shoulder heal and move forward with the rest of the horde.
instead he consistently idolized his father by becoming a worse version of his father by Pandaria.
Where he was just a little cry baby the entire time? where saurfang the lesser had a better plot arc?
No I was there, he didn’t impress me or show enough change from that crying orc in Nagrand.
Regardless had he not cried running from his trial in Org the city would likely have been destroyed by the outcast members of the horde that he betrayed and shattered and the forces of the alliance.
Less hate, more annoyance that he is held in high esteem when he really doesn’t deserve it.
He wasn’t really fantastic, he was a basic Orc doing Orc things but crying about how bad he’s had it the entire time.
He is a more violent modern anduin but with less to really be sad about.
SOLID LINE imo and solidly agree with you on this one. I dislike Sylvannas WAAAAAAAAY more than I do Garrosh.
Honestly on that note, he should not have come back as he did in SL, same with Arthas. I may not like Garrosh but that was still baseless nostalgia baiting.
It’s just ever since we’ve been getting singular stories over two-sided ones, they’ve been Alliance-leaning.
Guess it’s for revenge for the BfA war campaigns being about Sylvanas no matter which side you were on, lol.
I’ve just accepted that you can’t please both sides, as someone that regularly does play both.
You wanted him, the guy they just introduced
To develop as a character before we ever met him?
He was originally more than willing to work with everyone
Sylvanas was evil and couldn’t be trusted
He was almost working with Baine and tried to help the tauren himself
Voljin immediatly abandoned him so trolls were out
Then he was like “Well clearly the guys aren’t worth the trouble” and then he almost conquered the world with like half the orcs vs the rest of the horde and alliance
Nah, we good. What you want is a good villain.
If Sire Denathrius was a Horde leader, they’d be crawling over themselves to re-roll.
Honestly wish we had a Blood Elven leader with that level of smugness.
I am with you, brother.
Bring back Kael’Thas you rekon