I miss Garrosh

The main issue I have with starting a new faction war is how forced it would feel. Like what is it going to be over?
I guess it could be over resources?

It cant be a race war anymore because we now have many of the same races on both sides. The BfA war seemed to have no clear win conditions, so what even would a “victory” look like on one side or the other?

The only purpose from a story standpoint it seemed to have served post MoP was killing character development.

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Genuine response: Because, just because there are magical ways to undo a disability in fiction, doesn’t mean that should be the only answer to one that ever gets portrayed. It presents a disability as something to be “cured” or “hidden” whenever that option is available, rather than something to accept or even be proud of.

We already have plenty of examples of the former. Illidan gouged his eyes out, but he can magically perceive his surroundings just fine. Magni was paralyzed until he wasn’t. Trolls joke about regrowing missing limbs constantly. Two examples of people managing their disabilities rather than poofing them away isn’t going to ruin the game for anyone.


Not only that, once he found out about it, he was furious and banished her.

Khadgar is already an old man, and dealing with the consequences of Medivh’s curse that physically aged him dramatically during the events of the Orc Wars, and that was decades ago!

He turned himself into pure arcane energy, and the Dark Heart feeds off of Arcane energy and converts it into Void energy. When Khadgar came back, he was in raven form, an ability nominally tied to Atiesh, his staff that he inherited from the previous Guardian, that was also disintegrated and absorbed by Xal’atath.

He created a new spell, on the fly, and was transmuted into sentient arcane energy and trapped within the Dark Heart, slowly being drained and converted into Void energy, for weeks, if not months, before Alleria released him by damaging the Dark Heart. And we have no idea if time flows at the same speed, or even in the same direction, within the Dark Heart.

Odds are, chunks of Khadgar are missing and since he created and cast that spell on the fly, when he transformed back, parts of him were missing, and parts of other arcane materials absorbed by the Dark Heart were either transposed or fused into him as well. That he’s able to be coherent at all is amazing.

The running theories are that Khadgar has had his brain, which is a lump of fatty salt running on less energy than a battery can provide, accidentally re-wired by the process of discorporating, being partially eaten and then rebuilt on the fly, and it is going to take him time to re-learn how to do what he once did, hence why he’s recovering in the wheelchair. He might even be whole, but his whole existence was torn apart, scrambled and pushed back together without any way to ensure his safety in the process.

Like somebody who had a traumatic brain injury, it takes time, and with his pre-existing symptoms (artificially aged, already quite old in the current timeline, suffered some pretty hideous hits while fighting Xal’atath before Dalaran become rubble, the fact we got the Dadghar back at all is a miracle.

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In a world where Dynasty Warriors is allowed to use the “Oh, I was evil but now I’m good!” trope every single mission, I don’t think it’s overly hard to make a stupid reason why we’re warring again

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It being easy to come up with something stupid… doesn’t stop it from being stupid though

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True, I guess I don’t really expect super deep writing in WoW. That ship sailed an extremely long time ago lol

Archmage Modera was just trying to shoot her shot :sob:

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Horde and Alliance worked together in Legon, BFA no world ending issues really

The fact that you want to fight while players are saving the literal world is a bad and low brow story IMO, if I wanted to see that I would look outside at IRL

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Should have made it a throne or a big comfy recliner. Or a high backed arm chair. Or a couch. Or a love seat. Or an ottoman. A day bed. A fainting couch! Literally anything that doesn’t have wheels. Why does it have wheels?! It flies! If you want wheels make the damn chair practical and then just float the thing when it needs to go up stairs or something! :rage:

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No world ending? What happeneg with “heal the wounds, get azerite, empower the HEART OF AZEROTH HER GIFT TO US TO HELP HER”

BfA was world ending from the get go

I think that, just like in real life, we heal the disabled when the technology/capability exists. We are extremely capable of this in the Warcraft universe.

Illidan’s was a little different than simply losing one’s eyes. He sacrificed them and has gained enhanced sight far greater than typical vision.
Magni was turned into a diamond, not paralyzed or put into a coma.
Trolls are like lizards and an example of healing from fictional injuries via fiction.

The Lothar
Is a truly disabled character overcoming her disabilities in an admirable and mostly logical way (the shield attachment is a little far-fetched but w.e)
My only gripe with her is her last name.

Is this expressed in game or your guess?
Even if stated in game it’s still awfully executed, convoluted and clunky.

You know we would kill Khadgar for magic recliner mount! Ottomn, day bed a fainting couch…FAINTING COUCH…the Alliance and Horde would join hands for that Khadgar raid. Then we would cry about him being killed while zooming around on his mount.

The wheelchair is safer…much safer. And no, it does not have D.R.I.V.E functionality.

I scrolling down some was saying i forgot who that makeing up a war for the sake of having war is dumb and that true that why BFA and to a lesser affect SL fail so badly cuz overall it made no sense and back in vanilla and BC there was no war just conflict.

The only reason i believe garrosh/varian war work as well as it did was it was build up and took it time, all that started back in warth and lasted till the end of mop that at least 6 to 7 years of fighting and content for players and it just work out so much better. Was the writing and story great ehh it was hit or miss but overall good and someone like garrosh though simple play his part perfectly until we had to fight still think that should be done different and you made me kill Nazgrim he was my boy.

*Quitetly giggling at the thought of the optics of Blizzard making a fight where we beat up Khadgar to steal his wheelchair. *


Not very much though, just empower a necklace looking thing

There is a difference between a wheelchair and a magical floating wheelchair. One makes sense, one is pandering.

As far as war is concerned, this is a game called Warcraft. The entire premise since its inception is to wipe the opposing faction off the map in a magical violent fantasy universe. You don’t need to create a good reason for faction conflict at this point, it’s already built in through generations of genocidal warfare.

To impose present day real world ideology onto this game is absurd, and it’s made the game worse.


I’ll bring the popcorn goin be a good show

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Putting aside that for many disabilities, the technology doesn’t exist (or does, but isn’t affordable/accessible/harmless etc) - not all of them want to be “healed” or “fixed.” It’s a rather patronizing position to treat them as though they’re a monolith. There certainly are those who would leap at that magic if it were available, and there are also those that wouldn’t. Both points of view are valid, and therefore both should be reflected in our fiction.

Faerin Lothar is meant to represent (there’s that word again) the second point of view. In one questline, she is offered a superior magitech prosthetic, and turns it down because it would be one more thing in her life that she has to relearn. She applauds the technology itself, and comments on how great it is that other amputees will have the option of using it, but doesn’t feel that using it would be right for herself. The story rightfully frames that as an equally valid approach.

Lastly, you’re making a large assumption - that whatever happened to Khadgar inside of Xal’atath’s artifact IS fully healable. Considering that it almost killed him (or DID kill him, depending on what exactly Anduin did), it’s entirely possible that even if he does want to be healed, the magic/technology to do that is not something we have access to yet. Or ever.


Because it’s a discussion board, it’s even called General Discussions and the particular subject for this thread is “I miss Garrosh”.

I shouldn’t have to explain all of this, it should be obvious to anyone whose head isn’t up their backsiides.

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