I miss Garrisons. Anyone else?

I did garrison in WoD as several horde characters and I liked them not only because there were things to do but it felt like my own private base/area to hang out. I recently went back on a couple alliance toons and (wow) their garrisons are amazing! So I thought I’d level it up and mess around with the buildings and shipyard. It made me really miss having something like this to work on during queueing for pvp or being too busy to really get into anything that needed undivided attention.

Anyone else wish they’d bring back a form of this? Nothing that’s required to get ahead but just for fun. I feel like we’re taking all the fun out of games like this for the feeling of progress.


Agree 100%. One of the best things they ever did


I mean if it didn’t help gut the xpac, it might of been nicer


I honestly don’t remember a whole lot about WoD besides the garrison. I don’t know if that’s because I liked the garrison so much or like you said, it gutted the rest. Surely they could make something like garrisons without sacrificing the rest of the game, right? Right?! :sweat_smile:


My idea for player housing has always been an evolution of garrisons where you get to establish your own little hamlet in the original zones. You’d basically get to grow it and attract famous Azerothians to your inn. There’d also be a bit of RTS in you hiring workers to go out and get resources to build buildings and what not.


This sounds amazing.


Not really. I don’t consider the garrisons housing. They were still highly tied to gameplay, progression, and professions. Building them was a focal point of the story and served as a quest hub. They were entirely required.


I wouldn’t mind seeing something like Garrisons again.

Then again, I wouldn’t mind seeing my garrison floating above Orgrimmar, kind of like Dalaran.


Absolutely! If they expanded it to allow for a small cottage that could be player housing, I’d be overjoyed. Oh top of that, allow the player to choose from multiple locations, along with the architecture, and keeping the additional buildings relevant to current expansions, it would be a winner.


No I hate them, they’re isolating and this game has enough of that.

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It doesn’t have be required like it was in WoD. Just a flavor thing you can do for fun if you want. You still have all the hub cities but this would be fun for the people who don’t like sitting around in hub cities all the time.

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I love my garrisons all decked out as a home base for my characters…but id rather eat lead paint chips than do the garrison work again. lol



Yes, I do miss the WoD garrison. Truth is, I still go back and visit once in a while. It was fun.


Alliance one were damn cozy. Only real issue was that they were a taaaad too isolated. Like only place we saw others were at the door with them porting in and out of existence, of flying to ashran.

Garrisons would probably have thought more fondly off had we had the world quests from Legion.


In my head I’m picturing it as a way to collect and display artifacts from all your adventures. Imagine establishing a little hamlet in the zone of your choice. You hire workers to go out and (like in WC3) farm resources to build buildings. One of these buildings is an inn (and you get your own toy hearthstone). Now you can go back and start farming old dungeons/raids to collect various artifacts to display in your little hamlet.

Another building could be an armory/blacksmith to display all the raid tier sets you can go back and collect or finish.


Had they kept Garrion arround they could have used them for the addition of more races buildings. Nelf, Belf, Dwarf, Undead, Tauren… A great opportunity to double tap asset creation.


I use my Garriosons every day on my 20+ alts (all alliance). I agree it was/is one of the best things in the game!


Went to my Garrison the other day just to turn on the Winterveil decorations. I guess I forgot to turn them off last year because they were already on. So festive to visit during the season.


Yeah I liked them, too. The closest thing to player housing we got, except for maybe the class halls.

Forgive me for being a boomer gamer, but I’ve probably been playing this game longer than some of the younger players have been alive, and that’s one thing I’ve always hated about this game. The innovations of past expansions are just garbage after the new expansions come out.

Why is my garrison useless now that WoD is over with?
Why can’t I grow “modern” crops in halfhill market?

That was one of the things I enjoyed about those quest chains I did to unlock the subraces. It gave you a reason to go back into the older expansion areas and see old friends and do content there. Nostalgia.

You know, I wouldn’t mind if Blizzard re-used old assets in future expansions. I was one of the people that thought MOP was going to be stupid Kung-Fu Panda stuff, but I was pleasantly surprised with it. It also had my favorite music of all of the expansions. I’d love some kind of “Ut-oh, something happened in Pandaria and Taran Zhu needs our help” Quest chain.

Keep the world alive, Blizzard. Older expansions should be cherished, in my opinion. Right now, they are just outdated questing areas to blow through in order to get to whatever the current questing area is.