I miss Combat. Will Outlaw Satisfy Me?

I used to play Combat back in MoP and I really loved it. I last played Outlaw in Bfa; PvE I didn’t care for it and PvP I felt like an unkillable, healing, parrying machine.

What’s Outlaw looking like now? Is Roll the Bones still a thing? I never liked it. Not a huge deterrent though.

I just want to know if I can play Outlaw like how combat used to be.

Does anyone want to tell the young pup about Sublaw?



:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I still like Hillbilly Subtlety, myself.

Yes, you can, but at a distinct disadvantage to what is considered the ‘meta’ build for the spec.

More often you will be hamstrung by the lack of energy, the speed of regenerating said energy, and a reliable way to fill combo points before you get five stacks of Summarily Dispatched.

More often you will be leaning on Fan the Hammer procs to fill your combo points than Sinister Strike since it gives you a pitiful amount of combo points (One base, one from a proc, and one from Broadsides) compared to Ambush (Two base, two from talents, and one from Broadsides).

Oh, and you’re probably going to rely on Cosmic/magical damage from weapon enchants, gear embellishments, Fatebound because, FOR SOME REASON, Outlaw has no armor pen as a pure physical damage spec.


I would suggest being a N. Elf Fury Warrior. I know not what you were expecting. So here goes. Re-roll to the Fury Warrior for combat spec. The night elf for the Vanish ability, and since everyone can be a stealth character with the new stealth potions you have the perfect setup.

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To be blunt, no. Current Outlaw plays nothing like old combat or even legion outlaw. It’s heavily reliant on stealth/subterfuge uptime and Adrenalin rush is now a maintenance buff more so than a damage cooldown.


Combat Rogue can make a comeback if they buff some talents but they are right now allowing Rogues to play with a nerfed version of Sublaw. Sublaw was better in systemlands and DF then what it is right now.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Assassination plays more like Combat because it’s not so reliant on strange RNG jankiness.


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Me neither.

Not even close


I just can’t for the life of me understand why they can’t buff the other capstone talents.

Why is Blizzard do obsessed with forcing us into the stealth/crackshot build. Without Acro it is truly feeling worse than ever. Tried a few keys with Outlaw on beta and I legit alt-f4’d in the middle of a key cause it was so awful to play.

Having a spec this punished by downtime is completely unethical.