If we’re talking head cannon, than my blood elf main and many other blood elfs are just staunch high elf nationalist with dreams of overthrowing the night elves.
But alas, we’re past that now. It’s s all about the horde homies and viciously murdering as many void elves as possible for being cheaply written knock-offs.
Rosenivy is Lawful Evil. You don’t see him breaking every single law or twisting every law to suit him. It’s just a talent he uses to do something good faster. But still frowned upon so he’s slapped with the Lawful Evil card
I am just worn out from helping semi god like beings at this point.
Can you dudes like snap a finger or something. Impress me. Or help us out a bit. you there…how many followers you got?
all found worthy to ascend since the dawn of time!
OKay so a few million…gimme 50. I’d take 1000 jsut to really hammer this out but something called server would burst into flames before it died. So 50. I don’t need to be killing 20 “boars” by my lonesome here. 50 I can steam roll this to work on crap that matters.
I get what you’re saying but to me it’s not realistic.
We were part of the team that stopped an Outland invasion and saved the Sunwell, ended the Lich king, defeated Deathwing, freed Pandaria from ourselves, again stopped an invasion… twice, defeated an old god and stopped the Jailer from killing us so we didn’t die.
It’s impossible to do all that and not be known. It would be like Tom Brady wishing he wasn’t so famous and he could be “just a Patriot and/or Buccaneer.” Sorry dude, you lead the charge, your team won 7 Super Bowls, you will never be a nobody.
Never expect sense or logic from Astronomers. They demoted poor Pluto from the Solar System with the logic that “a dwarf planet is not a planet”. Really.
Makes as sense as saying that a white rabbit is not a rabbit.
I totally get this, but also, the 3rd war happened 20 years ago and the Cataclysm happened 11 years ago. A lot can have changed in that time and a lot of new baddies could have been growing and doing bad stuff in places like Desolace and Felwood; places “the chosen one” hasn’t been to in 15+ years.
Having an entire xpac where we go back to being Vanilla-Esque adventurers isn’t realistic, but I don’t see why they can’t do it for the launch patch content. Do a classic 80s action movie story: Our characters take a break from stopping universe-ending baddies to take a vacation fishing and having a few pints in a place less likely to recognize us, but our plans go to hell when the neighbor kid go missing.
On our way back to Azeroth we will take a wrong turn and end up in an alternate reality Azeroth where the Kobolds rule all. We’ll spend the whole expansion in an underground world where we search for candles, fight candles and collect candles. The end game boss will be a giant candle that started a revolt against the Kobolds many years ago and started a candle army.