We used to be nobodies doing heroic things. Now we’re heroes doing nothing.
Went from murder hobo to literal mortals wielding god-like weapons. And our characters are still taken as jokes. YOU’LL NEVER DEFEAT ME ~says every Villian who knows our deeds. Like really why aren’t our characters taken more seriously?
Nerd alert
We were never simple murder hobos.
We slapped an Old God, Ragnaros, and Arthas’ right hand man into oblivion in Vanilla. At that point in time we would be considered nothing short of Gods.
I miss the times when Duskwood was pitch dark and the howls and red eyes of dire wolves terrified me.
Aside from how they destroyed the new expansion, it is a good game. I’ve been playing for 10 years.
I was surprised to hear the devs say that they “couldn’t return to simpler timer”. It’s literally all many players want from the game. Not cosmic wars. Take us back home and calm the story down, yo,
In my case, the scene would be more like:
Goodberry: (stealthes)
Azeroth grunt: There is a breeze today.
Azeroth grunt: Hey, who picked my pockets?
So, here’s the thing. In FF14, after saving the universe (literally) in EW our character is going back to being a simple murder hobo, tooling around and adventuring in the next content patch coming out next month. The lead developer told us all about it in the last Live Letter that he does every month or so (novel f’ing concept there huh? Talking to the players about upcoming changes/additions). Plus we are getting new a new 24 man raid, new dungeon, new story content, new housing, and a bunch of other stuff. And he apologized for having to move from a 3.5mo patch cycle to a 4mo patch cycle.
After taking a break to avoid burnout after completing EW and the Extremes coming back to WoW it like… if you got in an accident and the insurance company gave you a 1997 Ford Festiva and told you that your car wouldn’t be fixed for another year. And if you wanted a better car you had to work at the dealership for no pay and maybe once a week they would give you a chance to upgrade to a car 1 year newer, but it probably wouldn’t have any amenities.
I am really glad I didn’t spend actual money coming back to WoW 3 weeks ago and used a token I had laying around unused since July.
Hobo is the new class
I’ve been saying this since like… Cata? Mop? Not sure which one… but whenever they started referring me something other than ‘adventurer’…
Can we PLEASE for the sake of Elune go back???
I never had elementals in my backyard crosses arms
This, pretty much.
The “level” at which the player exists now is non-negotiable. We’ve enough dead gods and divinities under our belts to be drinking buddies with Kratos by this point. Asking/expecting They Who Slain the Infinite World Devourer to go back to killing rats in the innkeeper’s basement for a few coppers and a rusty dagger is patently ridiculous.
That said, the one thing WoW can/should go back to is recognizing the genre. Yes, we have slain more gods than Nietzsche’s wildest fantasies, but… that we is seriously important. You don’t accomplish anything, I don’t accomplish anything, we, all of us together accomplish things. And the narrative needs to go back to recognizing that.
There can be Divine Heroes. There can be Chosen Ones. There can be Legendary Champions. But, unless it’s a specific NPC, there’s never just the one. The story and narrative need to stop cross-dressing as a single player game - WoW’s not built for it, and looks ridiculous when it tries.
“I’ll gladly collect bananas.”
Is this code?
I never had a proper backyard, even.
That’s because you’re a dragon
Spotify is trolling me. It went from Irish music to Scottish now.
Wrong, they had two chances already to do something bold but the writers are total trash.
Nzoth should of won or let us think we won and the Jailer should of won and actually remade things where we return and everything is different, aka we become murder hobos again
But anyway more lame mysterious danger coming that makes no sense to come.
They are very similar. Lovely music.
I miss those humanoid dog head things in red ridge mountains.