I mean, it is kinda that bad for the Horde

Way to ignore how exactly i explain how this happens in the line after it.

You don’t have a claim here.

Darnassian civilians also held the ENTIRE horde military to a standstill.

But SL was hardly faction neutral, it heavily favored the alliance in the areas that actually mattered


I think this is what bugs me the most about the whole ‘cosmic’ story. I don’t care about whether purple sparkles or yellow sparkles control the universe, I care about how the characters and zones that I have met and worked with will react and grow - and while those two themes can be present in the same story, so much of it has become ‘Anduin, Jaina, and backup dancers react to new characters in new locations covered in new colors of cosmic power’ and… I just don’t care about that.

For all of BfA’s many faults, I stuck around because despite my horror, I needed to know what happened to the characters and places I cared about. I skipped out on Shadowlands because I didn’t care what happened to Anduin and Tyrande anymore, Sylvanas had been so mangled that I can’t view her as a character in the world anymore but just a sad sock puppet for the writer de jour, and Thrall and Baine were just… there without any new arcs or goals.

And I worry for the War Within, because… I don’t know why I’m there. ‘Void bad’ is enough to place me there, but it’s not enough to make me care. The stakes are the same as any other story; we could be fighting an army of demons or even murlocs and very little would change. ‘Legion bad’ had lots of personal and cultural history behind it (even if the orcs’ personal history with it was criminally ignored), but those kind of ties for the void just haven’t been established.

I think they tried to do that with Alleria, by making her this void ranger and making the void storyline personal to her… but even as an Alleria fan, I don’t care. I was happy with a normal ranger character, and I didn’t like the new twist, so it never caught on for me - in fact, it actively repels me from attaching to her or to this story.

And beyond Alleria, what personal ties are there? The Earthen are specifically built up as being entirely disconnected from the playable dwarven clans, so there’s nothing personal even there. Xal’atath is pretty neat, and I like the progression of her story over the expacs since Legion, but that’s not enough to carry the whole expansion story by herself.


There is some. I just don’t think you can seriously argue that it’s balanced.


No, they won’t. Because they already showed us in BfA how it will go, so there would be no narrative value in just doing that again. They’ll try to pretend we should worry about her, but it will never happen in-game.

Oh please, dear Metzen, no.


Its not very well balanced, and the quality can be argued from either side. Sometimes having more content leads to worse stories being told as well.

The night warrior plot, many night elf fans argue, was a dud. And I think a good 80% of the playerbase would preffer not having teldrassil burned, no night warrior and no Amirdrassil. And then there are some players like me that liked the later developments over the sad start, and there are horde players upset this is too much Alliance content.

The same could be said about BFA, where horde around 8.1 and 8.2 got way more content than the alliance, having the saurfsng centered cinematics, having two paths to follow in relation with Sylvanas, but I’m sure for many horde players they would preffer Sylvanas not having a heel turn in general.

Story Imbalance is bound to happen, and it has been shifting on the side of the alliance for a while, but that doesn’t make it automatically better for the alliance and doesnt mean the balance wont shift ever again.

As long as you agree with that, we’re basically on the same page.


Yes, there is objectively more alliance content in DF than there is horde due to amirdrassil and retaking of Gilneas. But 10.0 and 10.1 is breaking even, you have one renown questline teasing amirdrassil, but you have Baine and the centaur, the dragonmaw questline as well, so it balances out.

Heritage wise, Draenei got the win Over darkspear but Forsaken got a better Heritage questline than Night elves, though Night elves have a secondary heritage on amirdrassil that is amazing.

In SL, I honestly see at worst a 60/40 split, I think it is pretty even (you dont interact with Tyrande as much as people say, and i have done ardenweald and chains of domination quite recently).

Agree lol :100:

I have a girl friend of mine that, can’t stand Jaina so badly that you think when she talks about that character it be a real person. She can’t wait to see what our lady Xal has instore for Jaina. :joy:


Shadowlands did not have anywhere near remotely equal horde and alliance representation.

it was completely an alliance expansion.


People will argue that helping or watching Sylvanas come to terms with her Ranger Half and her Banshee Queen half counts as Horde Content in the later portion, just as helping Tyrande come to terms with her Night Warrior power was Alliance Content.

I know you’re not trying to be obnoxious here, and you simply want to see Horde problems resolved, rather than swept under the rug.

But we simply need to come to terms with the fact that the Horde and Alliance haven’t been relevant since the mid-point of Battle for Azeroth. You can tell because the questlines that involved the Forsaken retaking Trisifal, and the Worgen taking Gilneas were practically thrown together in a weekend and could be completed in approximately 12 minutes, with the Forsaken one taking longer due to having to cross multiple zones to complete, instead of just stay contained to the local zone.

Amirdrassil was basically an apology from Blizzard to Night Elf fans for destroying their entire society for a cheap rehash of the Garrosh storyline. It’s serviceable at best and at this point, I’m certain Kaldorei fans are just extremely gunshy when it comes to Blizzard even looking in their direction in the future.

We all want the Horde and Alliance to matter and be separate and awesome in their own ways in the future.

That’s why I’m hoping this Arathi Kingdom turns out to be just the Half-elf version of the Iron Horde. A big new empire full of pride and arrogance that’s going to try and challenge the other two for supremacy of Azeroth.


I’m in the middle of a thing, but heritage quests =/= mainline expansion quests.
they’re often done by one lone dev.


The game was written for the alliance. More news at 11.


Yes, that is true. But if you haven’t noticed, Blizzard doesn’t consider it’s “World Cast” as being strictly Horde or Alliance anymore.

They want everyone to love Anduin, Thrall, and Jaina, no matter which faction. They’ve created the “Warband” thing, which is specifically meant to imply that you’re not a grunt of the Horde or a footman of the Alliance, you’re just a Mercenary for Hire who wants to help out no matter who needs helping.

I mean, I’m not going to go up to Jaina in the next expansion and hear:

It’s one thing to count a Character as being “Faction” content, but the factions aren’t part of the main storyline anymore in any way that matters. You could replace both of them with the Argent Crusade training the Earthen at the end and absolutely nothing would change.


I mean does it matter what they consider?
They aren’t supposed to be writing a story for themselves.
They’re supposed to be writing a story for the people that are paying them.

Were that true, they’d be including far more Horde characters instead of doing an entirely and completely Alliance cast with the addition of one to three Horde characters, one of which is guaranteed to be Alliance Baine or Alliance Calia.


That doesn’t matter. Horde players pay Blizzard money so they can enjoy a story too. I don’t enjoy taking quests from someone tried to kill me many times over and spouted venom in my direction anytime I was close enough to listen to her dialouges with other alliance leaders.


I disagree, because we do not know that out come, as far as how Silvermoon plays out.

It has the potential to be anything from an Alliance/Horde split down the middle, to perhaps solidly turning Alliance going forward under Queen Alleria. So, let’s not call Midnight a Horde expansion just yet.


“There will never be another King of Quel’Thalas.”


If this happens, which I think it is absurd and will not happen, I will gladly concede.

But so far, no faction capital has ever changed ownership in permanent manner in WoW, and I’m willing to bet it won’t ever happen.


Of course it will happen. High elf fans have alot of influence on the community council and always wanted Silvermoon back under alliance control. It will happen. And take away the last good thing the Horde used to have.