I made an HMP

It took me a minute to figure out what HMP stands for.

I believe they’re called Asian.

Since China is only 1 of 49 Asian countries.

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OP should be reported to the police: HMP is dangerous and it’s creation should be considered a criminal offense punishable by forcing them to embrace the Void.

I disagree. He is with the light - the opposite of the void. You should make one!

Plus, with the new human customization options coming in the pre-patch, he’s going to look so HOT!

Spread the light brother

Spread it

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I made draenei, but game still turns him human

There are actually a lot of ways to play the role. You can be a himbo. You can also be a grumpy old man. And so much more besides.

I go for the latter option, since I have a lot of relevant experience in being a grumpy old man.

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Watch your mouth!

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I started a MHP in classic by the name of Clárk. I haven’t been motivated to level him up to 10 so he can post on the forum.

bless you kind citizen.

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NEFD is the way to go ma dude

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Am I the only one that doesn’t know what an HMP is?

Speaking of which, where is Clark these days? I haven’t seen him around in a while.

Yes. Human Male Paladin.

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Ah. Ok I was reading through and starting to realize that. Yes best Paladins are Human, Draenei, and Dwarves.

That’s it. Turn in your horns and get out of here.


I’m not playing the stupid alliance. I kill the stupid alliance.

But I can’t! Once Horde always Horde! I was here long before your people!

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Nor have I. He was totally dedicated to Horrific visions and posted many threads telling us we should be, too. I could speculate, but unlike certain forum trolls who are known to get time outs, I have no strong feelings about why he is not currently posting.