I made an HMP

So do you get two elves to wrap around your arms after making the paladin? Do you need to hit a certain level to get the entourage? What’s the deal?

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Now, he is level 31, and he is flirting with 3 elves (All male, 2 void, 1 night). I suppose that the more you level, the more elves you can add to your entourage!

I disagree. I thought it would be gross at first, but I am really liking it! My HMP is a friendly and cute little guy!

My religion forbids me from being anything other than a Pandaren if I am to achieve enlightenment.


Omg I hadn’t realized my dk was such a classy stereotype

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Humans will be worth playing in Shadowlands, personally.

Absolutely the best array of customization coming. You could max out your character slots on Humans and each one would still look unique.

I boosted a HMP yesterday. It’s pretty awesome and fun.

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Hmm. This is really subjective, unless you want to be a jamaica or china human nothing really has changed expect a couple haircuts with that ps1 texture.

Don’t you get like, sick facial scars? HMPs are all about that.

So the Light does provide with those sweet, sweet abs?

Just be wary of the dark side of the HMP. If you start to feel like those Elf boys are gross and you start to care far too deeply about the lore of skin tones of those scrubs in LFR, promise you will take a break for a bit

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I read it as HUMP.

The comments have not changed my mind.


Heresy, we paladins are pure and chaste.

It took me a minute to figure out what HMP stands for.

I believe they’re called Asian.

Since China is only 1 of 49 Asian countries.

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OP should be reported to the police: HMP is dangerous and it’s creation should be considered a criminal offense punishable by forcing them to embrace the Void.

I disagree. He is with the light - the opposite of the void. You should make one!

Plus, with the new human customization options coming in the pre-patch, he’s going to look so HOT!

Spread the light brother

Spread it

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I made draenei, but game still turns him human

There are actually a lot of ways to play the role. You can be a himbo. You can also be a grumpy old man. And so much more besides.

I go for the latter option, since I have a lot of relevant experience in being a grumpy old man.

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Watch your mouth!

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