I talk about the trinkets. TLDR: I think the trinkets are going to be very good on humans, I also think a lot of people who saw these on the MMO champion posts are being overly hyperbolic about how good they are because they have a lot of counter plays and some of them are unique equip with the Gladiators medallion so aren’t as powerful as some people are making them out to be.
didnt watch the vid but is the cc immunity trinket somehow not promoting a 1 shot playstyle where say 2 boomys and a prot pal just try to convoke/blessing of summer someone while immune to cc every 1/2min with double legendaries and rotating these trinkets+angel/bop immunities? Or any other number of extremely high damage scenarios that people rely on cc/interrupts to live through and only take a few seconds to die in?
Tbh it looks like blizzard might be tuning specs to do more sustained then burst. If they do that these trinkets could actually be decently balanced no matter how much they look broken but we will have to see.
What do you have against Prot Pal??
Firstly that is an extremely niche example of a comp that you might run into every 10 queue sessions if that, and frankly, prot paladins are the problem in this example, not really the trinkets.
Having said that if this scenario came up you could all take ur most defensive talents and put on the magic damage absorb trinket and try and trade. After the trade, they would have no PVP trinkets and probably die like dogs?
I harped on a lot about human as well so I’ll mention it again a human could possibly human a stun and use the x3 immune trinket while in a beam and trade (maybe) if the new trinket lets you be immune to the beam. Maybe you can trade then door away if you still have kick immune up.
We have to see this is a first look we def need to test but your scenario is very niche. Also, BM trinket is still a thing so yeah you could run clamps or Sephuz or W/E and BM trinket the beam/Avenging shield. Most of these teams would trinket ur first CC’s anyway, if they run the CC immune thing then they won’t have anything PVP trinket wise after 30 sec of rush down.
its not and im not gonna do text based arena combat over the forums but i see stuff like this every day i play where a ww/boomy/feral/necro war/aff lock try to cheese someone with a giant burst setup and this will just make those scenarios more prevalent imo.
Overall just a dumb addition and bad for the game and I would caution anyone against trying to defend their implementation and encourage blizzard in any way/shape/form for doing something similar in the future even though they almost assuredly will. Don’t misconstrue these criticisms as me saying the will be no counterplay either, I’m simply stating what I know these will be used for and how people will feel after they get dumped on by someone who cheesed them with it.
Oh right double boomkin prot is every 2 games … not niche at all.
One of the best trinkets is a 50 per cent damage reduction vs caster damage I talked about how good this was.
If you didn’t actually watch the video then I’m done responding because what you are raising was mentioned there and in my previous response, so if you want to ignore what I’m saying and bury ur head in the sand then I won’t respond to you anymore.
Go take ur shot of sook from whatever streamer ur generating ur opinions from who never went PTR to see how the trinket are in the game.
I specifically mentioned comps “like” that whether it be a WW/Boomy/Convoke Feral/Ret-War etc. This stuff isn’t niche in my experience.
Haven’t seen 1 streamer say anything about these. It’s just common sense on how they will be used. I’d be happy if I was mistaken, but I don’t see it. Not sure why you want to try and toss out insults as if I’m personally attacking you either. I’d be glad if you were right and these are just going to be very nice balanced additions to pvp that everyone enjoys but I’m pressing x for doubt until proven otherwise.
I’ve used the trinkets on ptr 2 and uh. U can do some gimmicky stuff. It honestly is better if they just u know. Not add then
Does Echoing resolve have a cd or are you just immuning every other CC
It protects from the NEXT CC and INTERRUPT. Not 30 seconds of immuning everything, which is what I’ve seen a bunch of people say how it works.
Yea I get that
its not on use its proc.
so does it just immune every other cc with impunity?
once you immune a CC it just doesn’t do anything for the rest of the match? (obv not)
Get what i’m asking now?
always funny to see how blizzard wants to compensate their horrid and absolute garbage class design with such trinkets.
Like … just make the game good or revert it to mop tf it isn’t that hard and worked in the past
Yes this. As a Prot Pal main I’m super excited for this trinket and 9.2 in general!
CC imune trinket might be awsome if it’s Holy Ward like. 30 sec CD - immune to one CC and can be purged. What’s more you can’t use both Holy Ward and Trinket. Then this trinket is absolutely fine, skillful and adds some depth to gameplay.
3x CC immunity with 2 min. CD is just stupid.
Its 3 min cd
I still cannot believe people do not understand how these trinkets work yet are so scared of them.
The sky is falling!!!
Just like people were complaining about shackle at the start of season 2 and magically found ways to counter it a couple of weeks later – the same will occur.
its just that these trinkets add unnecessary mechanics to the game which are plain stupid. like u play a moonkin so u play the anti interrupt trinket so you can freecast convoke but enemys will play the magic absorb trinket to counter that. like who tf wants stuff like that in the game.
they nerfed it giving all healers the ability to dispell it completely… its still a stupid trinket as well.