I love this guy! Look at his big silly paws and ear tufts and stubby tail! Our armor doesn’t match but I think that’s my failing more than his.
okay but why is he on a cat? i’m allergic to cats.
I love that face. Such a sweet face.
your post indicates the existence of serious paws.
Once I saw this guy and that his armor matched up with my guild tabard almost perfectly I had to have him. Luckily, for once, rng didn’t make me grind it for years to obtain it and got it on my 2nd day trying on an alt.
Looking good
He looks like he would match the delve tint of that armor though!
I do love the lynxes, even though I’m not a cat person.
He does indeed. I’m working on that
Why is Battlecat blue and not green??
Plot twist it’s secretly an arathi druid.
I just got this fella myself, I’m super happy and I love him but I also feel bad because my brother is actively farming for it and hasn’t gotten it yet.
How’d you get him?
Need an update when you’ve got matching outfits.
I think it’s a random drop from the Light event stuff in Hallowfall.
Gratz. Its my pvp mount. Love it. Can’t wait to fully match it when i complete the delve set.
Riding a cat has to be like riding a skinky.
Probably one of my favorite ground mounts in the game. I love this one.
The minor flame quests you get in hallowfall, where you light the little flame and someone comes out of hiding. They reward you a little bag. Mostly contains crap, but also a chance at a sweet mount.