I made a Gnome and so should you

I made a Gnome warrior and I highly encourage you to make a Gnome. They’re very fun to play. Going out and being this super important hero figure who is insanely small is quite humorous.

If you’re looking for something new to level during the XP buff. Choose a Gnome because this game needs more Gnomes.


They get stuck on small things on the ground that other races don’t…


I’m too short IRL. I can’t handle Gnome shortness. I can barely handle Vulpera shortness.

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If anything I make too many gnomes. It’s a problem.


Been there. Done that. I’m not about to swim in dungeons other races don’t have to :confounded:


Been jamming my Gnomie lately.


More like swim in puddles other races just walk through…


I made a vulpera. A gnome with a snout, paws, pointed ears and sharp teeth.


They’re also forced to swim through puddles that other races run straight through without issue.

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It is pretty fun though I’ve only really come into them after mechagnomes came out.


Vulpera have the same issues and they’re very popular. Be honest with yourselves, you don’t play gnomes because you don’t like them.

I’ve yet to run into this problem on my Vulpera. That may very well be because I can fly (or because my Vulpera is a DK and can walk on water), though – so perhaps I’ll revisit this subject next expansion while I’m grounded.

I don’t know I haven’t had time to start leveling my fox.

my issue with all my gnome characters is that things are closer than they appear on my screen I’ve noticed. I just can’t get used to the gnome perspective and depth perception as everything I feel like is farther away than it actually is.
It’s like the side view mirrors on cars that say objects are closer than they appear, that’s what it feels like for me playing a gnome and I just can’t get used to it.

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I do agree to an extent with that - as someone who’s started playing Gnomes on this year, it was a different feeling to look to to all the NPCs.

I’m used to it now but it is very surreal after having playing mostly Human/Elves before this.

No wonder I like playing my zandalari. She tol. I’m not.


All my alt tanks are gnomes due to irony

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I love Gnome tanks. It’s super funny. And even funnier when I die because the healer has a hard time finding me.



On behalf of Gnomeregan I would like to officially welcome you to Gnomanity. We are a loyal race of technophiles who’s inventions have aided the Alliance time and again, while also never failing to offer our support no matter the mission.

Where many of the Tallies have a bleak or unenthusiastic outlook on life, we Gnomes understand that each day is a new opportunity to learn, experience, and enjoy what we can. We do our best to see the silver lining, the greener pastures just over the horizon.

We’re a friendly and adaptable folk, and even against our most bitter foes we would rather try to find an amicable solution before turning to violence. Treat others how you want to be treated is our golden rule.

I hope that you enjoy your time with us, and please feel free to call upon us if you need aid while navigating this new perspective on life. I also offer Portal services free of charge, Base Jumping competitions via Slow Fall, and if you need something tinkered I’m your Gnome.

Have a wonderful day!


I love gnomes.

But I’ll probably never be able to play one. The few times i’ve made a gnome it hasnt lasted more than 20~ levels. For some reason, I dont know why, I just cant stand playing one, even though I love them.

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