So after struggling to play this game on a 7 year old laptop with a hard drive that basically screams “please, God, no more!” every time I load the game… I have a new rig, and a fancy new gaming mouse to go with it. Now I’m ready to be a tryhar-er… serious player.
I’m looking to main my Shaman, preferring to heal, and looking to try and get into the things I never got to really enjoy before, like real raiding and mythic dungeons.
I work third shift, so weeknights until 9pm and Fridays and Saturdays Eastern time until I decide to go to bed are my preferred play times. Willing to learn and try my best!
Edit: for some reason my character isn’t updated. I’m currently 120 and sitting at ~380ilvl and guildless, and on the Baelgun realm.
What up homie-g.
I foshizzle yo nizzle a guild on (H) Dalaran.
💩[H] Dalaran Fri/Sat 11/12 H Raiding/ M+ - #3 by Synborne-dalaran
We run Fri/Sat 10p-1a EST. Right now we are 6/8 H, we were AOTC last tier and pushed to 4/9M last raid due to it becoming summer and apparently vacations are a thing.
Feel free to check us out on Guild of WoW as well!
Add me if you are interested
BNet: Gnarly#11749
Discord: Gnarly#9685
Sent a discord request. Currently at work, but I’m interested, for sure!
Epitaph of suramar and draka is currently recruiting all classes for our raid team. We raid friday and saturday nights 9pm est. We are rebuilding and would love to have you! Add me to bnet if you have any questions Alikona#11551
Hope to hear from you soon! <3
We would be glad to welcome you, a fun and welcoming guild. On Moon Guard.
Sunset Riders is a newly formed guild of friends and compatriots. Raiding two nights a week, we are a casual no drama guild! So far, we have achieved 7/9 heroic. We have achieved 6/8 N palace.
We raid on Wednesday and Friday from 7 pm to 9:30 pm server time.
We also run Normal Tier raids on Saturday nights as well (7:30 pm Server time).
Currently, we are a seeking ranged dps (Shadow Priest/Warlock) for progression, Item level of 405+, with knowledge of fight mechanics and a desire to learn and push content. Others will be considered of course! My Btag is laskaland#1404.
Shammy FTW! I’m currently maining my resto shammy and loving it. We’d be interested in speaking with you. My Discord ID is at the bottom of the post. Hit me up!
If you looking for a guild to call home, progress in content while in the company of a fun group of friends,
Miscreants Arygos-Llane is a small knit group building our ranks for EP. We understand that real-life comes before raid life,we come home to our WoW family to unwind, not a second job. As a guild, we enjoy M+ keys, Raiding, and a little PVP on the side. Our goal is to build a solid core team to push into Palace, while still maintaining an organized but fun atmosphere. All classes welcome.
Server: US-Arygos/Llane
Schedule: Fri & Sat 7-10pm Eastern (Server)
Melee: All (prefer: Monk, Warrior, Paladin)
Ranged: All (prefer: Warlock, Mage, Priest)
Healers: All (Pally, Priest, Monk)
Tanks: All (Need Backups, Monk would be Most Welcome)
Discord ID: planeswalker94#8509
About us:
We formed during Legion and were pushing mythic content right out the gate. We all decided to step away from the game during Uldir due to lack of interest in the content among the guild. Recently about 10 of us have gotten together and decided to return to the game.
Weds 11pm-2am Server (9pm-midnight PST)
Thurs 11pm-2am Server (9pm-midnight PST)
What We Are Looking For:
Fun is definitely our motivating factor (which is why we agreed as a whole to step away from the game when players did not find it fun). A large factor though is definitely progression and seeing as much content as possible. We are seeking players with a positive attitude that understand an error correction is not a personal attack.
Classes Needed:
Like I said with us recently returning, no classes are off the table. We primarily are in need of some solid ranged DPS as a primary need though.
My Bnet: ChugsBleach#1280
feel free to reach out anytime with any questions you may have! 
Still looking? Hey! We are Redline-Thrall Horde, a daytime mythic progression raiding guild. We also have folks that run Mythic plus, pvp, and pug majority guild raids for alts and non core members.
For raiding times We raid progression 12-4pm EST on Wednesday and Thursdays, with some other optional raid content on Tuesdays.
- Uldir (Mythic) 6/8
- Battle of Dazzar’alor (Mythic) 7/9
- Crucible of Storms (Heroic) 2/2 (World 5th / Server 1st)
- Eternal Palace (Normal) 8/8 (Heroic) 8/8
We have a mix of third shift, EU, and work from home guildies that are committed to daytime raiding and community.
Here is our discord
Feel free to put an app on there. If you have any questions or want to talk I’m on discord as Retrection (Isanchezter#1598), there is Whardy (Whardy#1990), and Miamage (Hartske#1816) btags are in parentheses.
Thanks for your time!
Hey Mynrok!
I think we’d be a great fit for you if you’d be interested. We like going into all kinds of content and more importantly you’d get to heal! Add me so we can talk more #Arc11310
Pep Talk is a newly formed guild on (H) Illidan with the purpose of enjoying content as a community. Currently pursuing end game content in pve/pvp and eventually moving into mythic raiding.
We are looking for anyone interested in joining our community. Previous raiding experience is not needed and we are willing to help complete mythic + to help gear.
We raid on Saturdays and Sundays 9:15-11:45 eastern. Groups will start forming around 9:00 eastern to be as efficient as possible. Flasks and food will be provided.
Transmog runs and pvp groups will be set up periodically throughout the week as we gain more members.
Contact : Arc#11310
Raid times : Saturday/Sunday 9:15-11:45 eastern