I love these horde

I was questing out in Searing Gorge, first thing I did when I got there was ask in general chat if anyone wanted to group up.

At first, no response but eventually I met someone and got a group going. We proceeded to quest and kill most of the griefers attempting to gank us.

2 clips I thought were funny from that night.

Now imaging when BWL comes out. Alliance gloating about their instant queues will go back to crying once again, and Horde complaining about long queues will go back to laughing. There’s still no downside of adding faction changes to Classic (with restrictions for faction balance on servers of course). The clock is ticking for classic’s death, the longer they wait the less players are gonna be playing when it dies.

lmfao this big brain blinked into a wall.

you know it’s always gonna be the undead mages trying so hard to be xaryu.

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