I love the new play style

New ways to maximize play, the dungeons are generally difficult i had lot of fund there. MY question is this. Can’t we do this for the retail version. I don’t want it to end. I love min maxing creating different play styles. A tanky mage its possible. I love it. Thanks Blizz.

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Balance would be impossible. That would ultimately hurt the base game.


I’m assuming you mean remix.

They couldn’t introduce this full time. It’s fun as it’s designed but players would get so bored without a challenge.

I hope they make it either permanent or recurring like time walking. Like we have 3 months of Panda remix, then 3 months of legion remix, then 3 months of (:nauseated_face:) legion remix, then reset the cycle with BC.

It’s like better time walking/Chromie time.


I’ve been saying they need a seasonal leveling mode for awhile now. I think they’d be wise to keep exploring the remix concept in different ways for each expansion.

Ex. Maybe a legion remix we all get insane Fel related powers.

I didn’t play WoD but wasn’t it known for great leveling just massive content droughts? WoD would be great for a seasonal leveling mode if so.

why does it have to be balanced. I have fun min maxing and trying new ideas. I like being over powered as long as everything isnt one shotted. ESO is offering a created power thing next expansion. I re upped just to play with that. This is a chance for players to be in on the creative side.

Because people compete for titles in things like PVP and Mythic+…

I agree with that it could be more fun and chaotic with powers but it will always be an end of expansion thing when they do this.

PvP and heroic/mythic requirements force the balance issue. If we could just play for fun then balance would not be an issue. “Balance” are of little consequence for actual role-playing or solo play.

no heirlooms?

is that the difference?

No heirlooms, no auction house, no professions. Plus:

  1. Every quest, dungeon boss, raid boss, and scenario makes your character just a bit stronger as you gather threads and empower your cloak. These threads can increase also the experience you get for each activity while leveling.
  2. Every piece of gear has some sort of socket. As your ilevel increases so do the number of sockets on some gear.
  3. You can empower basic gems by combining them in groups of three and using those in your sockets. When you change gear and scrap your old stuff for bronze, you get your gems back.
  4. The specialty gems that go into different slots give you abilities from other classes, armor bonuses, healing bonuses, etc…
  5. You can increase the ilevel of any piece of gear from ilevel 13 to ilevel 556 using bronze. It will be costly though. So you’ll have to balance it with purchasing other rewards.

M+ and PvP are the two most popular competitive gameplay modes in Retail. Competitive play modes require some semblance of balance (few players want to reroll flavor of the month, even though some extreme min/maxers do just that).