I love MoP weed pull minigame!

Its here, it keeps returning and I am HERE FOR IT



I love this weed pull game! Who’s with me?!

In other news hello everyone how are you doing these eve


It’s very engaging.

I really hope that whatever form the next MMO takes, it finds something better than busywork chore-like quests. These make me feel so keenly aware of the time burning away.


Sorry Enekie but this is a Pro Weed Pull thread. I’m going to need you to list your top 10 favorite things about pull weed as quickly as possible.

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  1. Pulling weeds is good for your core.
  2. It’s funny when it snaps and you fall over.
  3. Weeds are usually in nature zones, which are neat.
  4. It’s not always weeds! Sometimes it’s chains or tentacles!
  5. Regardless of whether you’re a brawny Warrior or a scrawny Mage, you pull weeds at the same rate–isn’t that strange!
  6. Sometimes pulling weeds makes things pop out of the ground.
  7. Warlords of Draenor didn’t have many weed pulling games, which was probably why it was so unpopular.
  8. Weed pulling games are always close to other gardening games.
  9. My earliest memory of weed pulling was Mists of Pandaria. I remember how deeply invested I got in that expansion. How satisfying it felt to be in an open war, to have that element of tension.

I think the conflict parts of the game have always hit different because it’s never necessarily clear where the plot is going to go. If you’re fighting the Lich King, you can be assured that you are meant to fight the Lich King. But faction war stuff is unpredictable and so closely entwined with each other you can smell the sweat drying off a Blood Elf’s upper lip as they get intimidated by a looming Kaldorei.

There’s no way that Blood Elves aren’t constantly worried about that.
10) The SPROING sound when it snaps! How silly!


Pull weeds everyday :sunglasses: :herb:

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Uhh, Enekie…your numbering system seems broken.


Tiny Blood Elves are bound by the laws of traditional alphanumerics. We Kaldorei are simply too buff to care about these things.

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yea well your capital is in an expansion zone, to be forgotten tomorrow

…unless the dragons are staying with us for this saga?

Capitals come and go.

Abs are forever.

What would you call silvermoon, or any other capital city besides Stormwind or Orgrimmar

I like this sound and pulling weed makes me think of it

I do think the new night elf one hits different. Silvermoon is in an expansion zone but it’s where the people have always lived, lorewise. They didn’t arbitrarily chuck it in Shadowmoon Valley or something. It’s a part of Azeroth, exactly where it’s meant to be in lore.

The new night elf capital is literally on the other side of the world from the historical forests of the Kaldorei, for no other reason than Blizz apparently didn’t feel like putting it somewhere else. It’s not even a migration, Kaldorei still live in the old zones. It’s just a really dumb place to put a capital. Also dumb that Horde are allowed in tbh. I still think that it’s an oof for night elf players. A capital finally delivered, alongside a backhand to the face.

At least it has a weed pull mechanic though. We weren’t allowed to pull weeds in Ashenvale smh

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Missed opportunity for a faction of Nelves on the Isles that got separated from the rest of the civilization

I mean, considering how wide-reaching the Kaldorei Empire was pre-Sundering, and how chaotic the Legion invasion was, more places like Suramar aren’t unlikely, especially with how the Sundering shattered and spread out the original Super-Continent.

Finding more Kaldorei elsewhere would be a nice touch, even if they have formed their own society or have devolved back into a hunter/gatherer society or a less militant form of their old culture. Would be nice for the Kaldorei to get some nice Slice-of-Life wins that help roll back the sting of the Burning of Teldrassil and start injecting some actual hope and renewal into Kaldorei society other than the past succession of gut punches and setbacks.

I found out yesterday that you do not only have to back up when doing the weed pulling minigame, you can in fact grab it, turn around, and run forward away. And it tracks your hands to be above your head pulling! how neat is that

i’m helping (:

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